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Frio's 3D texturing stuff


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I do some texture work for a 3D environment procedurally in Blender, but I also tinker with what I can come up with manually. I'm not much a "painter" type artist so I just use basic tools and filters, and luckily that's just what Paint.net has in spades, and felt like sharing some things I've come up with.


Lately I've been experimenting with glTF PBR materials: certain properties of the surface are packaged into varying channels in a set of textures, which are then rendered according to those properties within the scene. These images have the base color, normal map and ambient occlusion, roughness and metallicity:



They combine to look like this in the actual 3D environment:


For something slightly more organic but not necessarily super realistic, a literal golden eye, as in the eye color is luminous metallic gold. The fourth image contains the emissivity of the material, i.e. it actually radiates a bit of golden light:


Within the scene, it does look kinda groovy and shiny:


Some older material, using diffuse-specular rendering. I made this cassette tape model in Blender as close to the real dimensions as I could, with a fairly low polygon count to make it usable for realtime rendering, extracted the ambient occlusion and then painted on details like the label and screws:


As a side note, the cassette is actually functional inworld and can hold about as much data as a C-20 cassette would have on a Commodore 64, used with a 6502 CPU emulator.


I also make some particle effects (that is, just small textured squares that always face the camera, like sprites in classic Doom). This set is for something that simulates classic JRPG style status effects, think of oldschool Final Fantasy:


The skull wasn't all self-drawn, but a public domain poison symbol I rearranged and removed the jaw from.


The control panel for the above effect is also made in Paint.net:


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2 hours ago, frio said:

I do some texture work for a 3D environment procedurally in Blender, but I also tinker with what I can come up with manually. I'm not much a "painter" type artist so I just use basic tools and filters, and luckily that's just what Paint.net has in spades, and felt like sharing some things I've come up with.

Awesome work @frio.


The tools and filters used maybe basic but the way you apply them and combine paint.net with other apps is superb.

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Very impressive work @frio!  I'm particularly drawn to the eye...beautiful highlighting.  ☺️

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