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[Help Needed]Image to Signature - Size Problem[SOLVED!]

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So yeah.. my 3rd post here but whatsoever

I cutted out this car from a image:


And now i need to get it into this:


So as you can see the car is quite large when trying to place it into the signature area.

I've tried re-sizing the car but it just makes it look kinda goofy :?

Help appreciated, quickly if possible.

Yours, Dengel

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Hello Dengel.

From what I can see, all you will have to do is resize the car image to fit the height of the signature size only, so 150 pixels to conform the maximum allowed size. When you do this, make sure you have the 'Maintain aspect ratio' checkbox ticked in order to keep the proportions of the image relative. This will prevent ugly distorting.

In future, you don't always have to resize both height and width to have the image fit into the desired space. As with here, you can easily just resize one or the other and have it adequately fit into place.

Good luck!

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