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I'm unable to install Paint .Net. Neither the web installer nor the direct download from GitHub works. The installation from the website gets interrupted, and the download from GitHub doesn't start in the browser. I've noticed that the website installer downloads the files from GitHub, so I assume the problem lies there, but I don't know how to fix it.



I'm still unable to download any files. The download starts and then immediately cancels. However, very small downloads can be completed because there's not enough time for the download to be canceled. Is there any way to fix this?





It sounds like you have something interfering with your ability to download files from GitHub. It could be that the network administrator set this up (are you in an office or school environment?), or you have some kind of overzealous "anti-malware" "firewall" software installed on your system. Neither of those are unheard of, they're more common than you'd think.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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