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The selection bounds should be snapped to the nearest pixel after scaling. For non-uniform lines, it's only the start and ends of them which should be snapped to the nearest pixel, although that might cause the angle to display slightly incorrectly in terms of how it's actually handled. But that's much more subtle and expected than this effect. In both cases, it's not the biggest deal to me, but I wanted to highlight this in case it hasn't been considered.

paintdotnet issue.jpg


I cannot reproduce this. As far as I am aware, a selection's edges are always aligned with pixel boundaries except where you have rotated the selection.

Your selection does not look rotated though.


Are your images really showing individual pixels? Or are they images of pixels that have been resized, so that each coloured square is actually multiple pixels?

Could you repeat the above screenshots but with View -> Pixel grid turned on?
Could you also include for each screenshot the selection size information shown at the left hand side of the status bar.



  • Solution

It's not clear what you expect the selection to look like in this case. We only have these two muddy screenshots to inspect, and you mention "angles" but there is no rotation going on here. Are you saying the edges are what you want snapped to pixel boundaries? Or are you wanting the interior segments to also be pixel-snapped?


If you want to work with pixelated everything, then in the toolbar you need to select Nearest Neighbor sampling along with Aliased selection quality.


This doesn't look like a bug to me at all, just incorrect assumptions about how things are supposed to work.


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On 5/8/2024 at 8:23 AM, Rick Brewster said:

This doesn't look like a bug to me at all, just incorrect assumptions about how things are supposed to work

Yep, it looks wonky to me but if it's intended, it's fine by me. Marking as solution

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