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Conditional Selection

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Basically, I love the conditional hue/saturation plugin. However, I sometimes find myself wanting other effects onthe specific areas, so is it possible to have a conditional selection plugin that does the same the conditional H/S but just selects the ares instead of doing anything to them?

I hav searched for conditional selection but if somebody has asked this before they may have called it by a different name.

"Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michaul Gelb

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I've asked this a long time ago, the answer is No.

Method around,

Dup Layer.

Run conditional hue/saturation. (Use the color range you need)

Turn something crazy with the range of selected colors...

ie. Super high or low Saturation, or Super light or dark..

Just turn the affected color range into something totally different than the other part of the image.

Select that area with magic wand. De-select that layer to see the selection active on the original layer.



All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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The fact is, the Paint.NET effects API means that plugins cannot change your selection at all. Flat out - it's not possible. Sorry. :-) Ash's workaround is the best way.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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OK guys thanks for the fast response.

(Oh and although I am not really following the stories of v4.xx but would that change the answer when it is released?)

"Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michaul Gelb

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OK guys thanks for the fast response.

(Oh and although I am not really following the stories of v4.xx but would that change the answer when it is released?)

Not sure. Rick hasn't said whether or not plugins will be able to mess with the selection in v4.0.

What I'm really looking forward to are partially selected pixels...here's hoping that comes in 4.xx...:-P


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Basically, I love the conditional hue/saturation plugin. However, I sometimes find myself wanting other effects onthe specific areas, so is it possible to have a conditional selection plugin that does the same the conditional H/S but just selects the ares instead of doing anything to them?

I hav searched for conditional selection but if somebody has asked this before they may have called it by a different name.

This is exactly why I invented Color to Alpha plugin. :idea:

Duplicate the layer, make a "selection" with this plugin, run your effects, merge layers.

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