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Moderator note: The OP has resolved the problem. They have been requested to post the solution here, rather than just have the post deleted.


I Had to install Gimp (just for this)
I created a blank page, wrote my text in that font and saved the file as .png then opened/imported the file in paint.net
if you have a solution please do tell


11 minutes ago, FlyingScotsman said:

if you have a solution please do tell


This seems to be a universal problem with this particular Font 🤪


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

  • Solution

I managed to fix it
i opened the fonts folder in Windows>Fonts and permanently deleted the entire gill sans family
restarted my computer and installed Gill Sans Medium after it restarted
in paint.net, it still shows as Gill Sans but the style of the font is Gill Sans Medium


I have 1 Calibri font in my Fonts Folder and 2 in Paint.net.  Curiouser and curiouser  😯


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.


is there any fix for this issue?
i mean if I want to use Gill Sans Medium Italic then I would need to delete existing Gill Sans font and install the required one
I Think Gimp is open source, can you please have a look at the code of Gimp and see how their font identifier thing is coded (I am not an expert) and then code PDN like that
Please, It would be highly appreciated


There isn't really a fix, this is just how Paint.NET and other major Microsoft applications list/map fonts in the system (it's how GDI does font mapping, i.o.w.). Changing this would affect things way beyond this one font, making things more confusing and difficult for a million other users of the app.


Paint.NET does not show the different variants of the font family, they are grouped together and the variants are chosen by clicking on the Bold and Italics buttons.


Also, GIMP is licensed under the GPL, which is a nasty viral license (it's essentially the worst license). Inspecting their code could cause all sorts of legal problems. So, no to that idea.

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21 minutes ago, Rick Brewster said:

There isn't really a fix, this is just how Paint.NET and other major Microsoft applications list/map fonts in the system (it's how GDI does font mapping, i.o.w.). Changing this would affect things way beyond this one font, making things more confusing and difficult for a million other users of the app.


Paint.NET does not show the different variants of the font family, they are grouped together and the variants are chosen by clicking on the Bold and Italics buttons.


Also, GIMP is licensed under the GPL, which is a nasty viral license (it's essentially the worst license). Inspecting their code could cause all sorts of legal problems. So, no to that idea.

can you add another option for "Medium"

1 hour ago, FlyingScotsman said:

what about 16 bit support for .png

This thread (your thread) in Troubleshooting & Bug Reports is about fonts not being displayed.  Please don't divert the thread by randomly throwing in other requests.

Start a new topic if necessary but please do some searching of the forum first. Also note that paint.net is designed to handle only 8-bits per colour channel.


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