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(Copy-Move-Wiggle task)  -- Why do i have to Undo (ctrl-Z)  twice ???


i am (or "NNuser" is) copying the RED squares into some of the Grid-boxes.     When i've done 4 of them, i realize that the 4th one is Off-Center...


 NNuser (Naive Novice user, aka "Neo")   hits Control-Z , and starts to Wiggle again --- but that's the WRONG THING !!!     


                             (it exposes that underlying  Void-checker-pattern  that's running the Matrix, the substrate) 

                            (This is the PDN-counterpart to the [BLUE  Screen of Death]  (of MSDOS-age) -- Some young ppl today have NEVER seen it?)


 NNuser realizes that it's as if he did a CUT (control-X) and not a Copy (control-C).


                        The   Correct-Thing    is to hit  Control-Z  twice,  THEN he can start moving it again. 


What would be the thinking behind   Requiring this 2nd  Control-Z  ???



Edited by HenryH

It's because Cut puts an entry into the History and Copy does not. Think about it: Cut removes a part of the image - there needs to be a way on undoing this operation. Copy does not change the image, so there is no History entry.


Cut & Paste = 2 operations which affect image, so Undo twice to revert.


Copy & Paste = one operation (Paste) which affects the image, so one Undo to revert.



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