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Turn The Image of a 2D Character Sideways

Go to solution Solved by lynxster4,

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I am working with a character maker that only makes flat, 2D characters. I want to use Paint.Net to turn the character slightly sideways, so that they are not directly facing the camera. I have used Grid Warp by pyrochild to try to achieve this goal. The results are passible, but not ideal. Is there a better way to do this, wether that be a better technique with Grid Warp or another plugin all together.

Original Image:





Edited with Grid Warp:





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Obviously, you can't really "turn the character slightly sideways, so that they are not directly facing the camera" since doing that correctly would require making visible part of the character's side - but you don't have those pixels available.


To do it correctly, you would need a 3D model of the character that you can rotate as desired and then render as 2D.


You may be able to achieve a small improvement on your use of Grid Warp by the subtle use of one of these plugins:



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  • Solution

Hi @City.  You may be able to use these steps to achieve something close to what you want:


Expand your canvas to 350px wide.

Apply (2) AA's Assistant to get rid of the faint black outline (especially on the yellow arms)

Layers-->Rotate/Zoom at 0,0,45,0,-0.01,1,8  (I used 45 just to show example)

Object-->Trail at 8,1,150 (or something close)

Apply 1 more AA's Assistant and possibly do a little touch-up with the smudge tool. Maybe this will fit the bill.


S-Fear_rotated.png            S-Fear_rotated_smudged.png



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@City there is a way to 'swivel' by using the Rotate/Zoom, as @lynxster4 shows.


You may want to look at this post, just out of interest:  https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31665-make-an-animated-gif-with-midoras-plugin/?do=findComment&comment=429235



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