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I'm starting to update my effects

Go to solution Solved by Rick Brewster,

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Now that we have paint.net 5.0.11, CodeLab v6.10 and @BoltBait's tutorials, it's time to update the outdated plugins.


My first attempt is to convert the classic Center Lines effect into a GPU effect. The Line Width control has been added to the new effect.



Below is the CodeLab script of the new plugin.


// Name:CenterLines
// Submenu:Tools
// Author:ReMake
// Title:Center Lines
// Version:2.0
// Desc:Drawing auxiliary center lines
// Keywords:paint.net|effect|center|lines
// URL:
// Help:
#region UICode
IntSliderControl lineWidth = 1; // [1,100] Line Width
ListBoxControl color = 0; // Color|Primary|Secondary|Custom
ColorWheelControl custom = ColorBgra.FromBgra(0, 0, 255, 255); // [Red?] {color} 
PanSliderControl position = new Vector2Double(0.000, 0.000); // Position

protected override unsafe void OnDraw(IDeviceContext deviceContext)
    deviceContext.DrawImage(Environment.SourceImage);  // preserve background

    RectInt32 selection = Environment.Selection.RenderBounds;
    ColorBgra32 primaryColor = Environment.PrimaryColor;
    ColorBgra32 secondaryColor = Environment.SecondaryColor;
    ColorBgra32 lineColor = ColorBgra.Red;
    // converts the PanSlider values to between 0 and 1
    double posX = (position.X + 1) / 2;
    double posY = (position.Y + 1) / 2;
    // shift of lines by 1 pixel to the right/down if posX/posY = 0
    int shiftX = posX == 0 ? 1 : 0;
    int shiftY = posY == 0 ? 1 : 0;
    // converting posX/posY to actual pixel coordinates
    int centerX = (int)Math.Round(selection.Width * posX) + selection.Left + shiftX;
    int centerY = (int)Math.Round(selection.Height * posY) + selection.Top + shiftY;

    switch (color)
        case 0:
            lineColor = primaryColor;
        case 1:
            lineColor = secondaryColor;
        case 2:
            lineColor = custom;

    ISolidColorBrush brush = deviceContext.CreateSolidColorBrush(lineColor);

    centerX, selection.Top,
    centerX, selection.Bottom,
    brush, lineWidth);
    selection.Left, centerY,
    selection.Right, centerY,
    brush, lineWidth);



I am interested in what range the Line Width control should have and is there a need to use a transparency change to control Custom Color? I would also like to get suggestions and comments on code optimization.

Edited by ReMake
Edited the script after clarifications by Rick Brewster
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Performance looks fine.


You don't need to create that stroke style -- you can just pass null. That's the same as creating/using the default stroke style.

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Actually I don't think you even need to pass null -- the default value for that parameter should already be null.


DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, brush, strokeWidth); // no need to pass strokeStyle at all

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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20 minutes ago, AndrewDavid said:

@ReMake I plan on following you as much as I can understanding the new GPU benefits. When I paste your code into my Codelab - I receive this error



What am I not doing? :)



@ReMake created a new GPU Drawing effect.  You're trying to put that code into a new GPU Image effect.


Had you saved that code into a .cs file and did a File > Open in CodeLab, it would have know the type and loaded it into the proper window type for you.


Or, had you done a File > New > GPU Drawing Effect before pasting in your code, it would have worked properly.


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Request @ReMake

Now that I see it working - I would like to include it in my next Plugin Template release. The one I just posted is only the UI. No working script. If approved I can go on to a Chapter 2 of my plugin template.


Request @Rick Brewster

 Can you approve the use of your source code that resides in my Repository to create templates of 2 specific type of plugins to identify the different types of effects.  Yours is the only code I have seen that does not generate that WindowsBase error in VS2022. I think 4 templates would be a great asset for anyone coding in VS2022.


I think I can do Classic on my own. I did publish one, and I just remembered how I did it. :)


Quick while everything is in sync. I know how fast things change.



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19 minutes ago, AndrewDavid said:

Request @ReMake


The above script is open source. You can use it as you see fit.  I created this effect following the tutorial by @BoltBait. @Rick Brewster's explanations relate to optimizing the code for the Center Lines effect. @BoltBait's  script assumes the possible use of the Line Style and is more suitable for the template.

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@ReMake the script @BoltBait provides does not allow color change, size width or position. (Baby Steps)

That is why I want to use yours. I tried on my own to figure it how to add the controls myself - now I have the answer but feel guilty using your script without your approval.

Think of the code your script contains that his does not.  That would be the next step in a tutorial - but I don't think he wants to go that far. That's the code I am referring to.


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@BoltBait and your unfinished ones. Drawing Text in a GPU Drawing Plugin.

Followed your directions but it generates an error. I am trying to use the API references to figure it out without asking you.



There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'serviceType' of 'IServiceProvider.GetService(Type)'


I know the API's do not provide examples, but I should be able to find the reference needed to correct this.

AM I close? 



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  • 1 month later...

My second attempt is to convert the classic Color Sketch effect into a GPU effect. Applied Bokeh blur effect instead of Gaussian blur. In my opinion, this gave more expressiveness to the final image.



Below is the CodeLab script of the new plugin.


// Name:Color Sketch
// Submenu:Artistic
// Author:ReMake
// Title:Color Sketch
// Version:1.2
// Desc:Paint.net effect that simulates a sketch with colored pencils
// Keywords:paint.net|effect|color|sketch
// URL:http://www.getpaint.net/redirect/plugins.html
// Help:

#region UICode
IntSliderControl size = 3; // [1,20] Pencil tip size
IntSliderControl range = 0; // [-20,20] Range

protected override IDeviceImage OnCreateOutput(IDeviceContext deviceContext)
    BokehBlurEffect blurEffect = new (deviceContext);
    blurEffect.Properties.Radius.SetValue(size + 1f);

    float amount = range / 100f;
    PdnBrightnessContrastEffect bacEffect = new (deviceContext);

    InvertEffect invertEffect = new (deviceContext);

    BlendEffect blendEffect = new (deviceContext);

    return blendEffect;


Any criticism, suggestions and comments on code optimization.

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