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I know that this topic has been raised earlier, but I don't know the current status of this topic.


Very recently I had to do a lot of editing work. It would have been extremely helpful If I could have change the brush size quicker than the current available two options: 1) (cntrl) + [ or ] or 2) the arrows + menu.


Is there another (much) quicker way to change the brush size? I believe it has been suggested earlier to use the cntrl+shift+scroll wheel or alt+scroll wheel for this purpose. I prefere the last option. Any change that this will be applied in newer versions of Paint.net? 


I provided an AutoHotkey script here https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/123096-autohotkey-script-hotkeys-to-decreaseincrease-the-font-size-of-the-text-tool/ to enable the Text tool font size to be controlled on the fly using keys in a similar way that brush size is controlled.

I may have a look at extending this so that font and brush size control via the mouse scroll wheel is also possible. If I get around to this, I'll post a comment here.


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