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Hardwood Flooring [Rewritten]


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Today we'll be making hardwood flooring textures. The video goes more in-depth in what one could do to improve the texture to make it more realistic, as well as to change the texture to better suit whatever one needs. The text instructions provided below show the basic techniques in how I make my hardwood floors with my preferences.

We'll be aiming to achieve something similar to this: (I went for a modern light styled wood floor)

You can change your color to make it darker if you wish.




2 by welshblue

Required Plug-ins:

Video Tutorial:

Text Tutorial:


1. Create a new canvas and start with a linear grey gradient. The colours I chose were A0A0A0 and C0C0C0. If you want more contrast in your texture between each block I recommend making the values of your primary and secondary colours further away.




2. Effects -> Noise -> Add Noise
I recommend 'Intensity' at 50, 'Color Saturation' at 0 and 'Coverage' at 50
Increasing the intensity will increase the contrast between floor boards, where as decreasing intensity will decrease the contrast. I don't recommend changing the Color Saturation from 0. However, playing with intensity and coverage is alright, just test it out and if it doesn't work experiment some more.
3. Effects -> Blurs -> Motion Blur
The 'Angle' doesn't really matter too much but I prefer 0. 'Centered' must be checked. Play around with the distance, the further you go the smoother your wood will look. I recommend 60 for the 'Distance' though.
4. Effects -> Distort - Twist
I use Amount at 15, Size at 1, Center in the middle of the bottom left side.
This step is one that i recommend you try your own settings, in fact you may want to do two twists in different places. This will add more knots to your wood, as well as give it a unique look.
Alternatively you could use the technique used in this other tutorial to make the wood look more realistic, then follow the rest of the tutorial below.
5. Create a New Layer (Let's call it Layer 2)
Go to your Paint Bucket tool and paint Layer 2 a brownish colour. For this example I used E2AE85 as the colour. Changing the colour will leave you with a different color wood. If you used a more red color, you may get something that looks like redwood. Experiment.
6. Set Layer 2 properties to blending mode Overlay, and Opacity at 225.
7. Go back and select your original layer (Background)
Effects -> Distort -> Jumble
I used Horizontal as 2 and Vertical as 20. Experiment and make it work for you. Say if you want tiled hardwood floors 15,15 may work for you.
8. Now hardwood floors aren't perfectly aligned like that usually. So the next step does take time. You're gonna want to select each row of wood and go to Effects -> Distort -> Pannelling. If you want to understand better how to do this step view the video.
9. Now the next step is to create the shading in between each board of wood. Create a new layer (Layer 3) and use your line tool at 1 pixel width and try to achieve what's showed below for each board. This is another time consuming step but it is worth it. You should be using black for your lines.
10. Change the layer properties on Layer 3 to blending mode as overlay and opacity as 15.
There you have it, our final outcome:
Hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial, and keep experimenting. It's probably the best way to learn.
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Well done; however, please type your text directly into the program, not onto your screenshots. That way it downloads a bit quicker.

Still a good one. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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good tut might I make a suggestion for when you re do per David's request. explain a bit more about the panelling move.

I'm familiar with using this plug in but some of the new paint.net users may not understand how you select and move/shift using it. to get the final results.

also maybe just jot in the hex codes for the browns you used.

ciao OMA

PS it looks just like my wood floors.

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