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How do I set to automatically save files with multiple layers as png?

Go to solution Solved by BoltBait,

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I'm not 100% certain what you're trying to do?


This may help, it exports a zipped folder of .png files of the Pdn layers:



Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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1 hour ago, Red ochre said:

I'm not 100% certain what you're trying to do?


This may help, it exports a zipped folder of .png files of the Pdn layers:


No, its not that. What I mean is, whenever I wanna save a file with multiple layers, it defaults to "save as" pdn. I wish it would default as png, without needing to first merge the layers and then save it.

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  • Solution
10 minutes ago, Klausbdl said:

whenever I wanna save a file with multiple layers, it defaults to "save as" pdn. I wish it would default as png


That's never gonna happen.


Here's what @Rick Brewster said about the issue:


On 11/5/2005 at 1:50 PM, Rick Brewster said:

Can I change the default save format to JPG?

No, jpeg is a "lossy" format. That is, every time you open a jpeg and save it, you're losing quality. This is like making a photocopy of a photocopy, etc. PNG and PDN, on the other hand, are exact formats. You can open and save them as often as you like without losing a single pixel of quality. So, paint.net defaults to PNG format for single layer images and PDN for multiple layer projects. If you want to save as jpeg, you need to choose it by hand. This ensures that you won't lose quality in your image unless you specifically choose to do so.


His quote is about JPG instead of PNG, but the same reasoning applies to your question.


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1 hour ago, Klausbdl said:

I wanna save a file with multiple layers, it defaults to "save as" pdn. I wish it would default as png, without needing to first merge the layers and then save it.


Ctrl + Shift + C (copy merged)

Ctrl + Alt + V (paste into new image)

Ctrl + S (Save)


The beauty of this technique is that the copy will be saved as a PNG by default. You never have to worry about flattening or unflattening ;)

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