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Need help with Codelab/Plugin for layering effects

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Hi there,


For the past 2 months, i've been editing and adjusting artistic photos for a portfolio. This work is tiresome and i have to do the same thing over and over again.

What i do is create a new empty layer, than set it to Filter/Screen, and put opacity on 30.

Then i'm all set to do all kinds of illuminations and play around with this layer, the problem is, creating this layer, and set the opacity to 30, for over 2000 images, is really anoying and time consuming.


I have codelab on my plugins, but i'm no programmer. Can anyone help me with a quick script for Codelab, to make this repetitive task into an effect, so i can just Ctrl+F and repeat it for every image i edit?


If this is asking to much, i apologize in advance.

God bless you.

Edited by kilbanne
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25 minutes ago, kilbanne said:

Can anyone help me with a quick script for Codelab, to make this repetitive task into an effect, so i can just Ctrl+F and repeat it for every image i edit?


Plugins cannot create layers or change the layer opacity.

  • Thanks 2


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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4 hours ago, kilbanne said:

What i do is create a new empty layer, than set it to Filter, and put opacity on 30.

Then i'm all set to do all kinds of illuminations and play around with this layer, the problem is, creating this layer, and set the opacity to 30, for over 2000 images, is really anoying and time consuming.


Hey @kilbanne, try Auto Hotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/) to speed up the process.
Here is a set of steps to set active layer opacity to 30, instead of Ctrl + F (by default in paint.net is mapped to apply last filter) it is set to Ctrl + Alt + F.

Create new file (Notepad is enough) and save as .ahk extension, then paste inside:

; paint.net
#HotIf WinActive("paint.net")
^!f::  ; Ctrl+Alt+F hotkey - Set active layer opacity
    Send "{f4}"  ; Open layers window
    Send "{Tab down}{Tab up}"  ; Switch to opacity slider
    Send "{Tab down}{Tab up}"  ; Switch to opacity input
    SendText "30"  ; Set opacity number
    Send "{Enter down}{Enter up}"  ; Confirm changes and close layers window

Double click on saved file should run the script (check taskbar for green H icon), and while paint.net is opened Ctrl + Alt + F should set layer opacity.

I don't understand what do you mean "...than set it to Filter," part. Is it Blend mode?

Edited by Lemonade
Ctrl + Shift + F is for flatten, changed to Ctrl + Alt + F
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Hey @Lemonade,

Thank you for spending your precious time to help me with my problem, i appreciate it.

I'll use your suggestion, i didn't know plugins coudn't create layers like this.


And yes, i meant Filter = Screen blend mode.


Godspeed my friend.

Edited by kilbanne
On my language, filter = screen. Sorry about that
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Here is a modified script (well, not really a script, just a set of hotkeys for execution), where layer blend mode is set to Screen and opacity to 30:

; paint.net
#HotIf WinActive("paint.net")
^!f::  ; Ctrl+Alt+F hotkey - Set active layer opacity
    Send "{f4}"  ; Open layer window
    Send "{Tab down}{Tab up}"  ; Switch to opacity slider
    Send "{Tab down}{Tab up}"  ; Switch to opacity input
    SendText "30"  ; Set opacity number
    Send "{Tab down}{Tab up}"  ; Switch to blend mode
    Send "{s}"  ; Set blend mode to Screen
    Send "{Enter down}{Enter up}"  ; Confirm changes and close layer window

Open your image in paint.net
CTRL + SHIFT + N (default paint.net hotkey to create new empty layer)
CTRL + ALT + F (apply layer opacity and blend mode with Autohotkey), use this while new layer is selected (active) in the layers panel

I tried including Add new layer in the "script" too, but there is some weird behavior in Windows (didn't check what the reason for that is).

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