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Post-It™ note


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This is my first tut, so I really hope you like it!

Today we will be making the classic yellow Post-It (™, ®, etc.) note. More colors may be added soon.



To do this, you'll need one plugin. That is the anti-aliasing plugin.

Getting Started

:FileNew: We're going to make a 200 by 200 pixel image. Create a new image with that size.

:MagicWandTool: Delete the white background with the magic wand tool. (You can do a background later...)

The Outline

:LineCurveTool: To begin, draw two straight lines, one near the top, one near the right edge. Make sure these lines are colored with the hex code #FFF8D6. Try to make this as square as possible.

Check-up: You should have something like this so far (barely visible):


:LineCurveTool: Near the left edge, draw another line, but wait. Make sure that the line is slanted barely to the left. For you math geeks, it should be around 5 to 10° to the left. Then, make sure that the bottom of this line is further up than the right edge's bottom. Also, add in a very slight curve.

Check-up: You should have something kind of like this so far. I used a black background to let you see exactly where the line curves, etc.


:LineCurveTool: For the bottom edge, just connect the bottoms of the two lines, and give it a little downward curve. I don't think I should give a picture for the sake of my bandwidth, and you should have the imagination to draw it in your head. :-)

Fill'er up!

:PaintBucketTool: Fill the post-it with the same hex, first with a tolerance of 44%, then again with a tolerance of 66%. That removes any anti-aliasing, which we'll deal with later.

Check-up: You should have something like this. Still using a black background for visibility.


Don't use that tone with me!

Time to give this some more realistic tones.

:MagicWandTool: Select the post-it with the magic wand.

:LinearGradient: Make a linear gradient. One hex will be #FFF8D6, then the other #FFE770. Make sure that the darker color is on top!


:AntiAliasingOn: Now let's undo our anti-antialiasing. Go to the "Antialiasing" tool (Effects>Antialiasing). Going down, the numbers should be 9, 980, then 1.


Groundhog Day (shadow time!)

:DuplicateLayer: Duplicate the layer you were working with.

:Down: Move the layer down under the post-it layer.

:BrightnessContrast: Set the brightness to -100.

:Delete: Delete the upper 3/4 of the shadow layer.

:MoveTool: Move and rotate to where there is a very clear shadow under the lower-left corner.


:GaussianBlur: Gaussian Blur with a setting of at least 10. I used 13.


You'll be done write away!

:TextTool: Use a handwritten font (my fave is Hand of Sean) and type something....

:D You're done!


Thanks for reading!

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This tut came out really cool. I printed the picture and cut it out, and my friend thought it was real. :)

:-O ... It's not that realistic, is it??????

Ha, yeah, it's pretty real. If only I had some lines of adhesive, this could fool... well, the dean, but that's just because he's.... never mind, wayback machine might come back to bite me...

Anyway, here's my try:




Changed the text in the signature yay!

PDN gallery!

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  • 10 months later...
A good idea is to include how to make a thumbtack with it :)

:D [edit] just a round circle with grandiant (blue, and a very ligth blue) :D and then dropshadow!

Working on a new signature

I need Inspiration

PM me if you are danish


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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Original post is 2 years old and the poster hasn't been online since then either. I don't understand why anyone would bother digging in back up just to ask someone that likely doesn't use the forum anymore to fix the broken images especially when the image hosting website used no longer exists. I suggest you try figuring it out yourself. If you can't, I'll see what I can do to make some example images for you. (just say please ;) )

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Original post is 2 years old and the poster hasn't been online since then either. I don't understand why anyone would bother digging in back up just to ask someone that likely doesn't use the forum anymore to fix the broken images especially when the image hosting website used no longer exists. I suggest you try figuring it out yourself. If you can't, I'll see what I can do to make some example images for you. (just say please ;) )

Didn't realise it was that old, it was at the top of the pile! So someone else bumped it. But oh well, nvm.

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