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How to make background Invisible??

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Hi! I've been using Paint.NET for awhile, and am somewhat good at it... I hope, lol, but I'm trying to figure out how to make a graphic where the background is transparent? I've seen many sigs on this forum where you just see the wording, and the background blends into the forum. How do I do this? Thanks in advance!!

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Hello welcome to the forum. I see you just joined today and our tut section is getting a much needed overhaul.

here is the link that you might find helpfull.


EDIT I just had a look at that link its pretty hard to follow I'd suggest go to my tut on Palm Leafs. the first steps explain how to get the transparent background

do your picture /writing

and use save as and change file extension to PNG.

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Thanks to this thread I was able to figure out how to make my background transparent. Well now I can't seem to get my lettering to look like it does before I save it. Sharper. I tried using the Sharpen tool, but it doesn't work. When I save the file it asks me something about the transparency threshold... is that it? Not sure what I'm doing wrong?? Thanks in advance!!

It's supposed to look like a scratchy font, but in the parts where it's supposed to be smooth, it's not. Help!

Oh, and against a black background with these... there's little spots of white. I even tried using a more solid font, which is the font that differs from the other two in my attachments below.




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When I save the file it asks me something about the transparency threshold... is that it?
That sounds to me like the GIF save configuration dialog, not the PNG one. Whilst GIF does save transparency, it does only in two values: 1 and 0. Basically, it is ether fully transparent or not at all. Whereas PNG can handle the full range of alpha values, therefore you can save it and it will retain the 'smoothness' of anti-aliased text.
Oh, and against a black background with these... there's little spots of white.
Now, as Paint.NET can't apply two colours onto text at once, it must mean you have cut the text from a white background. Yes? No? It would be best to type text of any sort on its own layer for ease of editing and application onto other backgrounds.

If you didn't, it is more than likely the font is adding this shadowing of white; it's highly unlikely Paint.NET is.

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