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Área de superfícies

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Boa tarde,


Alguém me consegue explicar como é que eu faço para determinar a área de objetos utilizando o Paint.Net?




Good afternoon,


Can anyone explain to me how I can determine the area of objects using Paint.Net?



Edited by BoltBait
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Hello @Inês and welcome :) 


I'm sorry, but we must speak in English on the forum.


You said this:


"Can anyone explain to me how I can determine the area of objects using Paint.Net?"


You can:


1.  Put your image on a transparent layer.

2.  With the Magic wand click outside of the image.

3.  Ctrl + I - to invert.

4.  Look at the bottom left of the canvas for the dimensions.








How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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