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I have this 40K*30K 2.7GB image that got corrupred when saving, is it possible to recover this? My compter has 64gb of ram, yet my file it kept crashing, one crash it just never recovered. Help.


The file has about 3 or 4 layers. Strange thing is, I can still see the little thumbnail of the PDN file, so I assume it may be part save-able?


I've seen something about "irfanview" can see corrupted files?, thats what @null54 said 4 years ago. I tried it, but even their it says it's too corrupted.


If you have a powerful enough computer, can someone please have a look at this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QZGtjgqY5ivMOyk2teFzzzywuEe2NZx2/view?usp=sharing

48 minutes ago, Cheeseman said:

I can still see the little thumbnail of the PDN file, so I assume it may be part save-able?


Not really. The thumbnail is stored separately from the file.


49 minutes ago, Cheeseman said:

is it possible to recover this?


Unlikely, but you could try this: Right click on the file >> Restore Previous Version.


I was able to get it to load by using a modified version of PDN that just ignores the chunk that is corrupted. It ends up with a row of blank (transparent) at row 18,902.


This gave me an idea of something to add to PDN itself, something like a /ignoreCorruptPDNChunks. 


Let me see if I can share the file back to you somehow …

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57 minutes ago, Ego Eram Reputo said:

The thumbnail is stored separately from the file.


btw, thumbnails for PDN files are embedded in the image header as a PNG. So only the first chunk of the file has to be valid in order to see a thumbnail for it.


This is why thumbnails load so fast in Explorer -- the shell extension just pulls out that tiny precomputed thumbnail. It doesn't have to load and decompress the whole PDN to generate the thumbnail.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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  • 2 months later...

Hi @Rick Brewster! Would it be possible to incorporate this feature of ignoring corrupt chunks in some sort of update or making this PDN version that can do that available for download somehow? I have the same problem with some PDN files and I'm interested in salvaging whatever I can. Really appreciate all you do.

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