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I am unable to find a way to disable the default tool and revert to the mouse pointer.   It seems that I can only choose a tool from the tool box.  

THIS IS VERY POOR SOFTWARE DESIGN!!!  I want to use the mouse pointer most of the time when I'm loading up a photograph and want to  simply view it.  I certainly don't want to have to load the zoom tool or a pan tool.  Those should be available when I'm using the mouse pointer or the mouse wheel.


Over the years, I've seen a lot of good and bad ideas with Paint.Net, but this latest problem is enough to uninstall the app.  As a systems architect with 30 years experience, I really can't fanthom who thought preselecting a tool and not being able to shut if off was a good idea.  It completely changes the way Paint.Net behaves and I can't find a way to "opt out" of this.

  • toe_head2001 changed the title to How can I change the default tool?

Firstly, please stop SHOUTING. It comes across as rude and predisposes people not to help you.



I want to use the mouse pointer most of the time when I'm loading up a photograph and want to  simply view it.

You can set the default tool to Pan, which will enable you to pan with the mouse pointer and zoom with the mouse wheel when you open an image.





Over the years, I've seen a lot of good and bad ideas with Paint.Net, but this latest problem is enough to uninstall the app. As a systems architect with 30 years experience, I really can't fanthom who thought preselecting a tool and not being able to shut if off was a good idea.  It completely changes the way Paint.Net behaves and I can't find a way to "opt out" of this.

From your tone, uninstalling the app might be a better option for you.


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How is this bad design? You can literally change the default tool using the method described by @Tactilis. This hasn't changed in about 10 years.


Also, CALM DOWN AND STOP YELLING. It's not helpful if you just jump to conclusions about "bad design" and whatnot.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


16 hours ago, Marti Masters said:

Over the years, I've seen a lot of good and bad ideas with Paint.Net, but this latest problem is enough to uninstall the app.  As a systems architect with 30 years experience, I really can't fanthom who thought preselecting a tool and not being able to shut if off was a good idea.  It completely changes the way Paint.Net behaves and I can't find a way to "opt out" of this.

@Marti Masters I am genuinely interested to understand why you believe that anything has changed regarding tool selection? What is it in the way you used to use Paint.NET that you feel has changed in v5?

1 hour ago, Tactilis said:

@Marti Masters I am genuinely interested to understand why you believe that anything has changed regarding tool selection? What is it in the way you used to use Paint.NET that you feel has changed in v5?


Nothing was changed which affects this.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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