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Color and Black and White - The Pleasantville Effect


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I have a question! Will paint allow to to have a black and white photo then enter a new color in a spot? for instance the photo above is of a yellow flower and a beautiful black and white background. Can I change that flower to pink? I have my fingers crossed!!!

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I have a question! Will paint allow to to have a black and white photo then enter a new color in a spot? for instance the photo above is of a yellow flower and a beautiful black and white background. Can I change that flower to pink? I have my fingers crossed!!!

Fiddling with Conditional Hue and Saturation (http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1102) (and a little Gaussian Blur with reduced opacity on a duplicated layer to remove some of the grittiness), I got:


Sorry, Thomas. I used your image. Too lazy to recreate it. :mrgreen:


Opened up Thomas's Flower.

1. Adjustments -> Conditional Hue/Saturation and enter around these values (fiddle with it):


2. Duplicate the layer.

3. To the top layer: Effects -> Blurs -> Gaussian Blur with a radius of 6.

4. Open up the layer properties for the top layer (the one you just modified) and change the opacity to around 110-130.

This gets rid of some of the distortion after you use Conditional Hue/Saturation.

There are probably more ways to do it, and considering I'm only new to the programme myself, I found that the easiest way to do it.

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Thank you for the reply. I am playing with the adjustments, it's goes right into Auto level, black and white, brightness and contrast, curves hues and saturation. ( needless to say mine little charge doesn't look like your chart here) invert colors, level and sefia.

is there another spot where I should be looking for your chart?

Thanks a bunch!


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Thank you for the reply. I am playing with the adjustments, it's goes right into Auto level, black and white, brightness and contrast, curves hues and saturation. ( needless to say mine little charge doesn't look like your chart here) invert colors, level and sefia.

is there another spot where I should be looking for your chart?

Thanks a bunch!


Sure, sure.

I added a link in the same post as I presented the other chart, that takes you to the Plugin that gives you Conditional Hue/Saturation.

Link: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1102

Download the .dll file to your Effects folder in your Paint.NET program files.

(Should be like this:

C: Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects)

Close Paint.NET. Reopen it, and try again from the first step I gave you.

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Everything you mentioned I got except one main thing. adding the new color. I was able to make the old color remain while the back ground went to the black and white. Even with the hue and saturation it didn't change anything. Did I not do something correctly. I followed your instruction to the T or so I thought. I even tried to use the recolor but I don't know how to enjoy that to the fullest either. Would you like to enlighten me on that?

Your a jewel...



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Everything you mentioned I got except one main thing. adding the new color. I was able to make the old color remain while the back ground went to the black and white. Even with the hue and saturation it didn't change anything. Did I not do something correctly. I followed your instruction to the T or so I thought. I even tried to use the recolor but I don't know how to enjoy that to the fullest either. Would you like to enlighten me on that?

Your a jewel...



I don't think I completely comprehend what you're trying to say. Could you please post a screenshot of what you're currently up to?

The way I did it was simple: I finished with the flattened image and I used Conditional Hue/Saturation to change the colour of the flower (it is, afterall, the only coloured object in the image). I then duplicated the layer and Gaussian Blurred the top layer, and then halved the opacity of that layer to create a softer effect.

Could you elaborate a bit more, so we can get an idea? Or, what would you like me to elaborate more? Which step, exactly?

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I don't know what may be going wrong. The first explination came out right with the flower and then the second explination with the flower and the hue and saturation didn't. I did have an error when downloading the hue and saturation. Did anyone else get this error? I go through your instructions and I am not getting the same results.

I will learn this!!! I also love the photos of the towers! I used to live in NY and man do I miss them.


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That's what I ment when I said that I was in a hurry,

and I got a tip,

if it wont select everything directly (using the magic wand)

you can use "CTRL" to select more pieces at the same time,

Just a tip,

and btw,

I REALLYREALLYREALLY like your signature,


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Yes, I know, I abused every filter known to man. The nuances of the flower shape made it difficult for the magic wand to correctly select it. I ran it through Film, Curves, and Soften Portrait, not necessarily in that order.

The background isn't technically black and white anymore after the Soften Portrait's warmth got on it a tiny bit.


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