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Questions/suggestions for improvement

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Good afternoon. I have a couple of questions where I need automation.


  1. I regularly draw icons in Adobe Ai for Android apps. I make bitmap images, but Ai only knows how to export to PNG format. I need WebP. And I'm importing the images I just exported from Ai to change the density (px/in) in them. Don't ask what this is for, long story. And as you understood, the number of images can be large (10 or more). And I have to press Ctrl+R for each one and manually specify the density.

    Is it possible to automate all open images to apply the density value that I specified in the dialog box? It's kind of like a group change. In my case, it would greatly reduce the time it takes to process these files. Don't get me wrong, you don't need to make such a feature for all Paint.Net features - just these routine ones. At the very least, what I'm asking you to do (density change) is a linear change here and doesn't require any finesse at all.
  2. Regarding saving. As I said, I need to save to WebP. On small images, it doesn't take long. But large images cause a long dialog box with the saving process, in which the program can not be mutually.

    Accordingly, the question - is it possible to multitask, so that the current operations are carried out in the background? So that you can work with other images. Of course, when processing, you cannot do anything with this image, because it is being processed, i.e. it is already being changed. And the potential number of such operations will depend directly on the power of the computer components.
  3. About WebP itself. As you have already understood, re-saving in its format with a large number of images, is also a chore.

    How about making a group save in a user-specified format? So that all images opened in Paint.Net are saved in the specified format. What about the save directory - in a condition like this, you can't select a directory to save to. There is a simple solution - in the current case, each WebP file will be saved next to the original PNG file.

    If you ask "How will saving be done if an image in Paint.Net has been created, i.e. not opened through a file - where should Paint.Net save?", my answer is: In that case, you cannot resave. Because saving to another format implies saving from one format to another. In our case, there is no first format. It turns out that in such a scenario, each file requires a special save, as well as specifying the original name.

    There is a small suggestion on how to solve this nuance. You need to specify a name for a file you haven't yet saved in Paint.Net. Let me explain: you have created an empty layer, you have drawn an image. And before you save it, you want to label it with a name so you know what kind of image it is. This is where you can do the editing - https://imgur.com/a/XBKuAyP.

    You click on this field and you give it a name. Now Paint.Net knows how to name the file, and when you save it, it will say "Named.png" instead of "Untitled.png". This is just an example. After that, in case of batch saving of newly created files, you will be able to save them to the same directory, and the previously assigned names will get rid of the name conflict in one place (i.e. Windows won't be offended if you try to put both files with the same names in the same folder).


Please think about it. Personally, I really need this functionality - it will improve my productivity at work.


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As far as I understand, the English translation is not the most accurate. I'm sorry, I don't speak English perfectly, so I used DeepL to translate.

All of this I ask to implement in the programm. In the last paragraph, where specifying the name for the file and saving it "from scratch" - I don't need it. It's up to you. The rest I would really need.


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45 minutes ago, ThIsLinked said:

Is it possible to automate all open images to apply the density value that I specified in the dialog box?


Paint.NET does not currently support automation/scripting.


Google's WebP plugin for Photoshop may work in Adobe Illustrator, but I am not sure of that.


You could also use cwebp to convert the PNG files to WebP and exiftool to set the resolution.

Something like:


cwebp -q 80 image.png -o image.webp
exiftool -xresolution=300 -yresolution=300 -resolutionunit=inches -overwrite_original image.webp



Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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1 hour ago, ThIsLinked said:

I know about WebP plugin for Ps, but it's not suitable for Illustrator'a (it's format a plugin under Ps).


Illustrator has (or at one point had) the ability to use Photoshop filter and format plugins.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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