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Codelab: Rendering individual points...help?

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I'm attempting to create a "ribbon" type plug-in in CodeLab. When I say "ribbon" I mean, having two values U and V, with each ranging from 0-1 inclusive. The input values of U and V will modify the output value of X and Y, the pixel to modify.

I have all of my math in place, and Paint.NET renders the points in the right positions, but it doesn't give me the right effect when two points overlap each other.

#region UICode
int Amount1=0;    //[0,100]Slider 1 Description
int Amount2=0;    //[0,100]Slider 2 Description
int Amount3=0;    //[0,100]Slider 3 Description

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
   Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
   long cX = (long)(((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left);
   long cY = (long)(((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top);
   double iR1,oR1,A1,D1; //Begin Vals (At 0)
   double iR2,oR2,A2,D2; //End vals (At 1)
   double iR,oR,An,D; //Middle Vals (At 0-1)
   double Q1,Q2,rev,p; //Quality, Quality, Revolutions, Percent
   iR1 = 100;iR2 = 40;
   oR1 = 25;oR2 = 10;
   A1 = 0;A2 = 0;
   D1 = 25;D2 = 10;
   Q1 = 360;Q2 = 100;
   //iR2 = iR1;oR2 = oR1;A2 = A1;D2 = D1;    
   rev = 1;
   ColorBgra col; //Color
   //Blank the cavas with visible black
   for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
       for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
           col = src[x,y];
           // TODO: Add pixel processing code here
           // Access RGBA values this way, for example:
           col.R = (byte)0;
           col.G = (byte)0;
           col.B = (byte)0;
           col.A = (byte)255;
           dst[x,y] = col;
   //Iterate tween   
   for (int V = 0;V <= Q2;V += 1)
       p = V/Q2; //Percent tween
       An = (A2-A1)*p+A1; //Angle tween
       D = (D2-D1)*p+D1; //Distance tween
       iR = (iR2-iR1)*p+iR1; //Inside radius tween
       oR = (oR2-oR1)*p+oR1; //Outside radius tween
       for (int U = 0;U < Q1;U += 1)
           double a,aa,iS,oS,iC,oC,X,Y;
           int x,y,R,G,B,A,i;
           a = U/Q1*360; //Angle tween            
           aa = (An+a)*(iR/oR); //Rotation
           iS = Math.Sin((a)*Math.PI/180);
           oS = Math.Sin((a+aa)*Math.PI/180);
           iC = Math.Cos((a)*Math.PI/180);
           oC = Math.Cos((a+aa)*Math.PI/180);
           X = iC*(iR+oR)+oC*(D);
           Y = iS*(iR+oR)+oS*(D);
           //Move center            
           x = (int)(Math.Floor(cX+X));
           y = (int)(Math.Floor(cY+Y));
           //Execute only if inside drawing area
           //if (x >= selection.Left && x < selection.Right && y >= selection.Top && y < selection.Bottom)
             col = dst[x,y]; //Get color from destination
             R = col.R;
             G = col.G;
             B = col.B;
             A = col.A;

             //i = R+G*256+B*256*256+A*256*256*256;//Higher-Res
             //i += 1;
             //R = i/256/256/256;
             //G = i/256/256%256;
             //B = i/256%256;
             //A = i%256;

             //i = R+G*256+B*256*256;//Hi-Res
             //i += 1;
             //R = i/256/256;
             //G = i/256%256;
             //B = i%256;

             //i = 0;
             //R = R+1;
             //G = G+1;
             //B = B+1;
             //A = 255;

             i = 0;
             R = dst[x,y].R+1;
             G = dst[x,y].G+1;
             B = dst[x,y].B+1;
             A = 255;
             //Write back to destination
             col = ColorBgra.FromBgra(
             dst[x,y] = col;

I was about to paste my CodeLab script in and I hit submit by mistake... >_>

Wii Friend Codes (PM me with yours if you use mine): Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0087-3452-9356 Mario Kart Wii: 2234-8268-1808 Guitar Hero World Tour: 403891994256

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