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How do I assign a new keyboard shortcut?

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I use the Magic Wand tool a LOT. But pressing S *four times* is just ridiculous. (Pressing any key combo more than twice is not really a shortcut, arguably.)


I'd like to assign an unused key to go straight to the Magic Wand. How do I do this?

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The trouble is, using the mouse involves a change of input modality. That means, moving a hand from the keyboard to the mouse (or vice versa).


That's why I'm asking.


Surely someone must have written a plugin?  (Fingers crossed.)

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6 minutes ago, Starlite said:

Surely someone must have written a plugin?  (Fingers crossed.)


Plugins cannot add or modify the keyboard shortcuts.


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^ He'll have already read this.


The likely answer will be to recommend you install a third party app to record yourself a keyboard macro.

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4 hours ago, FinlayPacks said:

For magic wand tool press Shift+S

Almost everything has a shortcut in this program, just got to find them haha.


I don't think that's intentional, but may as well keep it :)

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Looks like Shift+M also works for activating the Move Selection tool


Still not sure how/why this is happening, but my guess is that Shift activates the _last_ tool with that shortcut key

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16 hours ago, AndrewDavid said:

wonder if @Pixey and @Rick Brewster knew about this.


I'm not a shortcut key kind of gal :) But now I know, I may use it 👍


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