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Suggestions for a "Quick" way to make this image "pop"

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Attached image is an example of what I can produce using Paint.Net and doing some coloring of a page that I redrew as part of a "fanimation" I'm working on. Up to now I've avoided color unless the source material was colored because of the time involved with coloring. However, for this series I'd like to add a bit more to the final product.

Anyway, the attached image looks better than B&W, but not a lot. I think it's because the color comes off a bit "flat". Are there any filters that could make the images "pop" a bit by adding drop shadows or shading? I'm trying NOT to have to go in by hand and map where each individual bright and dark spot is, but rather something where I could have it look at the edges, tell it which way the light is coming from, and have it do a basic recolor for me. I know how to do this by hand using multiple layers (copy the top layer, then just paint the "shadow" areas with the same color which in multiply mode will darken the area), but the end results usually are a bit stark (since you have to somehow dither the boundary), and it takes forever to do that for each image.

Any suggestions for quick techniques that would help? Any other suggestions? I'm looking for something that is fairly repeatable without adding a lot more work than the current tracing, cropping, and coloring already adds.

Thanks in advance!


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Try this bevel plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26238

Have DL'd and will try tonight

I'm sure you could use it to better results by spending a little time with it.

Well, I'm hoping it won't take TOO much time. Seriously, the biggest problem I have is that for approximately 100 scenes per episode I have to crop, remove text balloons and text effects, trace/redraw, and color. Since I can't find anyway to automate that process, additional steps just make the whole thing take longer. Then there's adding the pics to the timeline, adding the subtitles, adding the beginning title and ending credits, mixing in music and any sound effects, and then adding a preview for the next episode. For which I get paid... well, less than the Paint.net guys :D

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Well, using the bevel tool didn't quite get me what I was hoping for, so instead I spent some time playing with the color palette, and using the Oil Painting tool to soften things up. The end result is at:

Mysterious Girlfriend X - Test 2

Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions or ideas for other ways to make this work better.

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I think the way you colored it in the first place doesn't look very good. Try adding a new layer set on multiply or overlay and drawing on that layer. If you have any gradients or shading in the black and white version, they'll be visible in the colored version if you use that method, making for less flat colors. Good luck :)

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Try adding a new layer set on multiply or overlay and drawing on that layer. If you have any gradients or shading in the black and white version, they'll be visible in the colored version if you use that method, making for less flat colors. Good luck :)

Excellent idea. I will try that on the next version. Thanks!

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