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Trying to make smooth transition with this code. Something like Color.Brga(lerp(color_a,color_b,finalgradient))

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This is more of a continuation of the other thread as that problem has been solved.


This is the complete line of code that is giving me a problem


dst[x,y]=ColorBgra.FromBgra((byte)(lerp((double)(space_color_a.B),(double)(space_color_b.B),final_gradient)),(byte)(lerp((double)(space_color_a.G),(double)(space_color_b.G),final_gradient)),(byte)(lerp((double)(space_color_a.R),(double)(space_color_b.R),final_gradient)),(byte)(spaces ? 255 : 0));


What I"m trying to achieve is a colored gradient effect depending on final_gradient. Also, HsvColor.ToRgb() would the correct route for converting HSV (The code has random Hue as option)? There's also the observation that reseed does nothing, but that's for another day.


// Name:
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#region UICode
ReseedButtonControl seed = 0; // Reseed
IntSliderControl bar_size = 50; // [1,256] Bar Size
IntSliderControl space_size = 0; // [0,256] Space Size
AngleControl degree = 45; // [-180,180] Angle
DoubleSliderControl skew_degree = 0; // [-89,89] Skew Angle
PanSliderControl origin = Pair.Create(0.0,0.0); // Origin
IntSliderControl sublevel = 0; // [0,3] Subsampling
DoubleSliderControl shift = 0; // [0,100] Shift
DoubleSliderControl mult_1 = 0.1; // [0.1,256] Multiplier A
DoubleSliderControl mult_2 = 100; // [0.1,256] Multiplier B
ListBoxControl repetition_mode = 0; // Repetition|Random|Cut|Periodic|Continuous
ListBoxControl repetition_random_repetition_modes = 0; // Random Bar Repetition|All|Cut and Periodic|Cut and Continuous|Periodic and Continuous
ListBoxControl color_space = 0; // Color|Gray|Duotone|Random-RGB|Random-HSV
ListBoxControl space_mode = 0; // Space Mode|Alpha|Cut|Gradient
ListBoxControl symmetry = 0; // Symmetry Mode|N/A|A|B
CheckboxControl inversion_mode = false; // Use Inversion
ColorWheelControl space_color_a = ColorBgra.FromBgr(0, 140, 255); // [DarkOrange] Space Color A
ColorWheelControl space_color_b = ColorBgra.FromBgr(0, 215, 255); // [Gold] Space Color B
double[] v_base = null;
double[] v_shift = null;
double[] v_mult = null;
int[] v_modulo_out = null;
bool[] v_invert = null;
int[] v_hue = null;
int[] v_rgb_r = null;
int[] v_rgb_g = null;
int[] v_rgb_b = null;
double ang;
int number_of_bars;
int shift_bars;

double cut(double a,double b,double c){
    double min_val = Math.Min(b,c);
    double max_val = Math.Max(b,c);
    return (a < min_val) ? min_val : (a > max_val) ? max_val : a;

double fmod(double a, double b){
    return a - Math.Floor(a / b) ;

int imod(int a, int b){
    int r = a % b;
    return r < 0 ? r + b : r;

double fmod_cont(double a, double b){
    double ind = imod((int)(Math.Floor(a/b)),2) ;
    return ind == 1 ? b - fmod(a,b) : fmod(a,b) ;

double fcut(double a, double b){
    return (cut(a,-b,b)+b)/2 ;

double rot_x(double a, double b, double sin_ang, double cos_ang){
    return a * cos_ang - b * sin_ang ;

double rot_y(double a, double b, double sin_ang, double cos_ang){
    return a * sin_ang + b * cos_ang ;

double lerp(double a, double b, double t){
    return a + (1 - t) * b * t ;

void PreRender(Surface dst, Surface src)
    Random myRandom = new Random(int.MaxValue);
    int ww = src.Width - 1 ;
    int hh = src.Height - 1 ;
    double cx = (double)(ww) / 2 ;
    double cy = (double)(hh) / 2 ;
    double cut_ang = Math.Atan2(cy,cx) ;
    double cut_ang_2 = Math.PI - cut_ang ;
    ang = ( degree / 180 ) / Math.PI ;
    double trimmed_ang = ang % Math.PI ;
    bool use_shift = shift > 0 ;
    int total_width = bar_size + space_size;
    double d_total_width = (double)(total_width);
    double d_ww = (double)(ww);
    double d_hh = (double)(hh);

    if ((trimmed_ang>=cut_ang)&&(trimmed_ang<cut_ang)){
        number_of_bars =(int)(Math.Ceiling((Math.Abs(1/Math.Sin(ang))*d_ww)/d_total_width));
        number_of_bars =(int)(Math.Ceiling((Math.Abs(1/Math.Cos(ang))*d_hh)/d_total_width));

    shift_bars = number_of_bars / 2;

    v_base = new double[number_of_bars];
    v_modulo_out = new int[number_of_bars];
    v_invert = new bool[number_of_bars];
    v_shift = new double[number_of_bars];   

    for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
        v_base[n] = 0;
        v_invert[n] = false ;

    Array.Copy(v_base, v_shift, v_base.Length);

    double shift_dist;
    int precision = 100000;

    if (use_shift){
        for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
            shift_dist = (double)(myRandom.Next(precision)) / (double)(precision) ;
            if (myRandom.Next(255) > 128){
                v_shift[n] = shift_dist;
                v_shift[n] = -shift_dist;

    if (repetition_mode > 0) {
        int rep_pos=repetition_mode - 1 ;
        for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
            case 1:
                for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
                    v_modulo_out[n] = myRandom.Next(2);
            case 2:
                for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
                    v_modulo_out[n] = myRandom.Next(2)*2;
            case 3:
                for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
                    v_modulo_out[n] = myRandom.Next(2)+1;
                for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
                    v_modulo_out[n] = myRandom.Next(3);

    if (inversion_mode){
        for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
            if (myRandom.Next(255) > 128){
                v_invert[n] = true;

    v_hue = new int[number_of_bars];
    v_rgb_r = new int[number_of_bars];
    v_rgb_g = new int[number_of_bars];
    v_rgb_b = new int[number_of_bars];
    v_mult = new double[number_of_bars];

    for(int n = 0 ; n < number_of_bars ; n++){
        v_hue[n] = myRandom.Next(359);
        v_rgb_r[n] = myRandom.Next(255);
        v_rgb_g[n] = myRandom.Next(255);
        v_rgb_b[n] = myRandom.Next(255);
        v_mult[n] = lerp(mult_1,mult_2,(double)(myRandom.Next(precision))/(double)(precision));


void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    // Delete any of these lines you don't need
    int ww = src.Width - 1 ;
    int hh = src.Height - 1 ;
    double d_ww = (double)(ww);
    double d_hh = (double)(hh);
    double sd = Math.Max(d_ww,d_hh)/Math.Min(d_ww,d_hh);
    double sx = d_ww>d_hh?sd:1;
    double sy = d_ww>d_hh?1:sd;
    double cx = (double)(ww) / 2 ;
    double cy = (double)(hh) / 2 ;
    double ox = cx - ((double)(cx)*-origin.First);
    double oy = cy - ((double)(cy)*-origin.Second);
    double ww_div_sx = (double)(ww)/sx;
    double hh_div_sy = (double)(hh)/sy;
    double pyth_img = Math.Sqrt(d_ww*d_ww+d_hh*d_hh);
    double ren_ang = ( degree / 180 ) * Math.PI ;
    double skew_ang = ( skew_degree / 180)*Math.PI;
    double cos_ang = Math.Cos(ren_ang);
    double sin_ang = Math.Sin(ren_ang);
    double mdist = Math.Tan(skew_ang)*pyth_img;
    int total_width = bar_size + space_size;
    bool width_test = total_width>1;
    bool bar_and_space_test = (bar_size==1)&&(space_size<2);
    bool space_test = space_size > 0;
    int half_total_width = width_test ? total_width / 2 : 0 ;
    double initial_x,initial_y,spacing,gradient,point_x,new_gradient,final_gradient;
    int bar,bar_id,use_modulo_out,result;
    bool spaces;
    double temp_result;
    double temp_result_2;

    ColorBgra Bar_And_Space_Fill;

    if (bar_and_space_test){
        spacing = (space_size>0)?.5:0;
        spacing = 1 - ((double)(space_size)/((double)(total_width) - 1));

    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        if (IsCancelRequested) return;
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
             initial_x = ((double)(x) - ox) / d_ww * sx;
             initial_y = ((double)(y) - oy ) / d_hh * sy;
             gradient = -rot_y(initial_x,initial_y,sin_ang,cos_ang)*hh_div_sy/pyth_img;
             point_x = rot_x(initial_x,initial_y,sin_ang,cos_ang)*ww_div_sx+gradient*mdist+half_total_width;
             bar_id = (int)(Math.Floor(point_x/total_width));

                 case 2:   bar = imod(-Math.Abs(bar_id)+shift_bars,number_of_bars);break;
                 case 1:   bar = imod(Math.Abs(bar_id)+shift_bars,number_of_bars);break;
                 default:  bar = imod(bar_id+shift_bars,number_of_bars);break;

             if(bar_and_space_test) {
                 if (space_test){
                     spaces = imod((int)(point_x),2) == 1 ;
                     spaces = true;

             else {
                 spaces = 2*Math.Abs(fmod(point_x/total_width,1)-.5)<=spacing;

             new_gradient = gradient * v_mult[bar] + v_shift[bar];
             use_modulo_out = v_modulo_out[bar];

                 case 2: final_gradient = v_invert[bar] ? 1 - fmod_cont(new_gradient,1) : fmod_cont(new_gradient,1); break;
                 case 1: final_gradient = v_invert[bar] ? 1 - fmod(new_gradient,1) : fmod(new_gradient,1); break;
                 default: final_gradient= v_invert[bar] ? 1 - fcut(new_gradient,1) : fcut(new_gradient,1); break;

                 case 3: switch(space_mode){
                    case 2:
                    case 1:

                 case 2: switch(space_mode){
                    case 2:
                    case 1:

                 case 1: switch(space_mode){
                    case 2:
                        temp_result = Math.Round(255 * final_gradient);
                        temp_result_2 = cut(gradient*2+.5,0,1) * 255;
                        temp_result = spaces ? temp_result : temp_result_2;
                    case 1:
                        temp_result = spaces ? Math.Round(255 * final_gradient) : (gradient >= 0 ? 255 : 0);
                        dst[x,y]=ColorBgra.FromBgra((byte)(lerp((double)(space_color_a.B),(double)(space_color_b.B),final_gradient)),(byte)(lerp((double)(space_color_a.G),(double)(space_color_b.G),final_gradient)),(byte)(lerp((double)(space_color_a.R),(double)(space_color_b.R),final_gradient)),(byte)(spaces ? 255 : 0));
                    default: switch(space_mode){
                    case 2:
                        temp_result = Math.Round(255 * final_gradient);
                        temp_result_2 = cut(gradient*2+.5,0,1) * 255;
                        temp_result = spaces ? temp_result : temp_result_2;
                    case 1:
                        temp_result = spaces ? Math.Round(255 * final_gradient) : (gradient >= 0 ? 255 : 0);
                        temp_result = Math.Round(255 * final_gradient);
                        dst[x,y]=ColorBgra.FromBgra((byte)(temp_result),(byte)(temp_result),(byte)(temp_result),(byte)(spaces ? 255 : 0));




Edited by Reptillian

G'MIC Filter Developer

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  • Reptillian changed the title to Trying to make smooth transition with this code. Something like Color.Brga(lerp(color_a,color_b,finalgradient))
10 hours ago, toe_head2001 said:


What kind of issue is it causing?


Strange color with the original code. Change color_space into 1, and you'll see what I mean.


I'm not getting the desired result with this.




There is suppose to be a transition. There is not a transition. This code does work better than the first one, however, see what I mean? :


EDIT : I solve it. lerp formula was wrong. So sorry about that. This is the fix.

double lerp(double a, double b, double t){
    return a * (1 - t) + b * t ;
Edited by Reptillian

G'MIC Filter Developer

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