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Fix the Lasso selection tool hotspot please!

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I have absolutely NO idea WHERE the lasso selection tool's hotspot is. If I start selecting from the bottom, I'll always be 1 pixel off. If I select from the top left, I'll also be 1 pixel off. The only 1 point of proper selection start is the top right. I would really appreciate that you could put a little reference on the lasso selection cursor so we know exactly which point is going to be used as the start of selection. I tend to think that the hotspot is located at the tip of the loose string but it does not seem to be the case. Here's a very simple and fast example of a possible solution.


Since most of the tools have their hotspot located at the bottom left, I think this would be logical to add that hotspot AND a reference there too. It's subtle but a lot less annoying because right now, I need to redo a heck of a lot of selection because I miss the spot.


I think I don't need to say much more, it pretty is simple and basic as a request and probably does not need many hours of fiddling (I hope not).


**EDIT (2021-04-23): Here is a live example of the major problem of the Lasso Tool when starting to select from the red pixel. Even the cross for selection is not right.



Here is a comparison with the rectangular select tool. As you can see, the pixels under the cursor are selected while as in the lasso tool, they are not.



Edited by avidichard
Added GIFs to show problem.
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8 hours ago, avidichard said:

I would really appreciate that you could put a little reference on the lasso selection cursor so we know exactly which point is going to be used as the start of selection.

The cursor position is shown at the bottom right for both the lasso select and the rectangle select? (Just after canvas size).
Zooming-in helps when accurately starting a selection and the keyboard up/down left/right arrows give more fine control over cursor position.

Ellipse select is more complex but all the relevant info is shown at the bottom of the window.


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20 hours ago, avidichard said:

I have absolutely NO idea WHERE the lasso selection tool's hotspot is.


The selection is taken from the top left corner of the pixel where the bottom of the 'tail' is. Zoom in a huge amount and it will make sense.

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Check first post for animated previews

Lasso Selection


Rectangle Selection


Here is an example of how hard it is to properly select using the Lasso Tool. I need an indication on my cursor icon about where the selection is being done so I can orient myself properly and select properly. I also need an indication of the position it will start to. It's hard to explain in words, but the animated gifs I think are pretty much self explanatory.

Edited by avidichard
Added Rectangle Selection GIF reference
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You bring up a very good point. I think there's an easy way to improve it by putting the crosshair on the tail, like so.


I've filed a bug to get this in for the next update, v4.2.17.



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