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Henon Phase Diagram

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EDIT: I got a working code, but it's the best I can do.



// Name: Henon Phase Diagram
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#region UICode
DoubleSliderControl a = 2.566; // [-3.1415,3.1415] A-Factor
IntSliderControl lines = 100; // [1,10000] Lines
IntSliderControl pts = 100; // [1,2000] Points per lines
DoubleSliderControl x0_start = -0.5; // [-5,0] X0 - Start
DoubleSliderControl x0_end = 0.5; // [0,5] X0 - End
IntSliderControl x0_increment = 8; // [0,10] X0 - Increment
DoubleSliderControl scale = 1; // [0.1,4] Scale
AngleControl rotation_angle = 0; // [-180,180] Rotation
PanSliderControl position = Pair.Create(0.0,0.0); // Position
CheckboxControl include_alpha = false; // Alpha

int [,] Henon_Surface;
    int maxnum=0;

double rot_x ( double a, double b, double cos_ang, double sin_ang ) {
    return a * cos_ang - b * sin_ang;

double rot_y ( double a, double b, double cos_ang, double sin_ang ) {
    return a * sin_ang + b * cos_ang;

bool inrange (int a, int b){
    bool left_cond = a >= 0;
    bool right_cond = a < b;
    return left_cond && right_cond ;

void PreRender(Surface dst, Surface src)
    int w = src.Width;
    int h = src.Height;

    if (Henon_Surface == null){Henon_Surface = new int [w,h];}
    else {Array.Clear(Henon_Surface, 0, w*h);}

    bool use_rotation_formula ; 
    if (rotation_angle != 0){use_rotation_formula = true; }
    else {use_rotation_formula = false; }
    int total_steps = x0_increment - 1 ;
    if (total_steps == 0 ) {total_steps++;}

    double c = Math.Cos(a);
    double s = Math.Sin(a);
    int ex = w - 1;
    int ey = h - 1;
    double posx = (double)(ex * ( (position.First + 1) / 2));
    double posy = (double)(ey * ( (position.Second + 1) / 2));
    double hex = (double) (ex / 2);
    double hey = (double) (ey / 2);
    double dist = Math.Min(hex,hey) * scale;
    double dpi = Math.PI * 2;
    double ang = -rotation_angle / 180 * Math.PI;
    double cos_ang = Math.Cos(ang);
    double sin_ang = Math.Sin(ang);
    double d_h = (double)(h);

    int end_step;
    end_step = Math.Max(total_steps - 1,1);

    double interp_factor,end_interp_factor,t,xi,yi,m,n,xn,yn,cx,cy,d_step,d_end_step;
    int icx,icy;
    for ( int step = 0 ; step < x0_increment ; step++){
        d_step = (double)(step);
        d_end_step = (double)(end_step);
        interp_factor = d_step / d_end_step;
        t = x0_start * (1-interp_factor) + x0_end * (interp_factor);
        xi = t;
        for (int line_id = 0 ; line_id < lines ; line_id++){
            yi = line_id/d_h * dpi;
            end_interp_factor = (double)(line_id / lines);
            for ( int ptn = 0 ; ptn < pts ; ptn++) {

                m = xi ;
                n = yi - xi*xi;
                xn = xi*c - n*s;
                yn = xi*s + n*c;
                xi = xn ; yi = yn ;

                if ( m != t){
                    if (use_rotation_formula) {
                        cx = Math.Round( posx + rot_x(xi,yi,cos_ang,sin_ang)/2*dist);
                        cy = Math.Round( posy + rot_y(xi,yi,cos_ang,sin_ang)/2*dist);
                        icx = (int)(cx);
                        icy = (int)(cy);
                    else {
                        cx = Math.Round( posx + xi/2*dist);
                        cy = Math.Round( posy + yi/2*dist);
                        icx = (int)(cx);
                        icy = (int)(cy);

                    if (inrange(icx,w)&&inrange(icy,h)){
                        Henon_Surface[icx,icy] = Math.Max(Henon_Surface[icx,icy],line_id); 

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    // Delete any of these lines you don't need

    byte val;
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        if (IsCancelRequested) return;
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
            val = (byte) (Henon_Surface[x,y]*100);      
            dst[x,y] = ColorBgra.FromBgraClamped(val,val,val,255);



Edited by Reptillian

G'MIC Filter Developer

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