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Object of the Fortnight - Discussion thread.


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Realistic images I have never been fond of creating. Therefore I don't enter but support others by voting.


OOTF rules - being realistic images - is very hard for most people. As for trace & colour comments, this is probably exactly why there are so few entries. I have seen the PDN file Pixey was working on. Technically challenging is an understatement. Those that have managed to create something realistic, are to be applauded.  

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I too don't think the OOTF should be closed.  It's sad that more don't join in, but you can't force people to enter if they don't want to :D


At least there are two choices. The SOTW is more versatile for people who don't want/like to use the Shape Maker and color/blending methods.


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Realism has never been a requirement of OotF.

But will a realistic object win more votes? Probably.


If you're looking to just have fun with the competition, you might even want to create a cartoonish object.


If you honestly suspect someone of cheating, don't be bashful about. We can investigate your concerns. No one wants to compete with cheaters.

They will be treated innocent until proven guilty, though.


While tracing is technically allowed, if people are really tracing over photos, I think that is pretty lame (and lazy, and unartistic). Obviously there's more to a OotF entry than just outlines, so I'm not saying it's all unartistic and lazy; just the tracing bit. That's just my opinion; feel free to disagree.

Reference photos are meant to remind you what something looks like in detail: proportions, colors, shape, ect.

Edited by toe_head2001

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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36 minutes ago, barbieq25 said:

being realistic images - is very hard for most people


I agree with this. I'd rather see the comp use items or themes which are not photo-realistic: patterns, textures, text, pixel art, etc...

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25 minutes ago, Ego Eram Reputo said:


I agree with this. I'd rather see the comp use items or themes which are not photo-realistic: patterns, textures, text, pixel art, etc...


Then I suggest the Rules of the OOTF need to reflect that.  i.e. use of Plugins only to make the object - and no drawing.


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I don't think tracing should be forbidden. I just think themes should chosen that don't require extensive reliance on tracing. If the goal is realism, it's pretty hard to avoid tracing when the theme is "Tennis Racket." When the theme is "Shield," it's a lot easier. The most tracing I ever used was for "Maple Leaf," where I traced a leaf's outline. I would have preferred to produce the outline in some other fashion, but nothing I tried produced the result I was after.


My taste runs toward realism, but I have no problem with less-than-relistic renderings in OOTF (though I'm unlikely to vote for them).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is anyone else having trouble seeing the images in the OOTF#23 - Empty Vase Poll?  I can see them all in Chrome, but half of the images don't show when I use Firefox.


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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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10 minutes ago, toe_head2001 said:

I see no issue with any of the images in the poll.


Yes, I see the images again as of 5 mins ago.  The site must have been down for a few hours earlier.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree the theme is probably a dead horse, but I'm preparing an entry, which I'd kind of like to submit even if it's ultimately closed down for lack of interest.  I thought this would be a theme theme would attract a fair amount of interest. I realize after working on my entry what a difficult theme it actually is.

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I don't think there's a lack of interest; it's just a very difficult object. Lots of textures and what not.

The last last two rounds (Kitchen Knife and Vase) had plenty of entries; especially Vase.


I think a little more discretion just needs to be used when setting the object.

Don't be afraid to say no to an object; just be nice about it. :) I had to do it a few times when I was the host.

Objects with simple geometric shapes tend to receive more entries. Compare Pencil to High Heel.

My two cents.

Edited by toe_head2001
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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Pixey said:

^ ^  :) Many thankies!  We are keeping this going, but are presently awaiting @MJW's next theme.


Halloooooo @MJW  smileys-angstlich-838345.gif

I have had a PM from @MJW and he's currently thinking of a suitable theme that will draw in a few more entrants, I hope to launch the next one by this Friday (20th) B) 



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Great to see you back Welshy.

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I submitted an entry for OOTF#26 (Hourglass), but I thought it was very difficult.

Did the best I could...didn't want to spend too much time on it.  It is what it is.


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I request that the Hourglass OOTF entry period not be closed on July 29th. It was opened on July 19th, which is only about ten days, instead of the usual fourteen. It's quite a difficult theme, and my entry will probably not be completed by tomorrow.

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