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Advanced Julia Fractal


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This plugin can be used to render Julia set fractals using a variety of settings. Adding color options would have made the UI too big, but it can be achieved using my Duotone Gradient Mapping plugin.

I hope you enjoy this one!



 Advanced Julia Fractal.zip

Can be found in Effects > Render > Advanced Julia Fractal






(Made in a few hours, so there is probably a lot to improve)

// Name: Advanced Julia Fractal
// Submenu: Render
// Author: Pascal
// Title: Advanced Julia Fractal
// Version: 1.0.0
// Desc:
// Keywords:
// URL:
// Help:
#region UICode
IntSliderControl ca = 0; //[-300,300] Real part of constant
IntSliderControl cb = 0; //[-300,300] Imaginary part of constant
IntSliderControl zoom = 5000; // [1,100000] Zoom
IntSliderControl xoff = 0; // [-10000,10000] Offset X
IntSliderControl yoff = 0; // [-10000,10000] Offset Y
IntSliderControl iterations = 50; //[1,200] Iterations
IntSliderControl type = 0; //[0,3] Render type
CheckboxControl innerCol = false; //Inner color
CheckboxControl invert = false; //Invert
CheckboxControl trans = false; //Transparency
CheckboxControl invertTrans = false; //Invert Transparency
IntSliderControl thresh = 0; //[0,1000] Clean
IntSliderControl bright = 0; //[-100,100] Brightness
IntSliderControl contr = 0; //[0,100] Contrast
CheckboxControl alpha = false; //Preserve alpha

public void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.SelectionBounds;
    int sw = selection.Right-selection.Left;
    int sh = selection.Bottom-selection.Top;
    int dw = selection.Left;
    int dh = selection.Top;

    ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        if (IsCancelRequested) return;
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
            if (IsCancelRequested) return;
            CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
            double a = x-dw;
            double b = y-dh;
            double ca = this.ca/100f;
            double cb = this.cb/200f;
            double dx = (double)xoff;
            double dy = (double)yoff;
            double zoom = Math.Pow(this.zoom/100000f,2)*100000f;
            float val = fractal(
                (a-sw/2)/zoom + dx/10000f,
                (b-sh/2)/zoom + dy/10000f,

            double thresh = this.thresh/1000f;
            if(val<thresh || innerCol && val >= (iterations-1)/(float)iterations){

                val = 1-val;

            val+= bright/100f;
            val = limit(val,0,1);
            val = contrast(val,contr);
            val = limit(val,0,1);

            CurrentPixel.R = (byte)limit(val*255,0,255);
            CurrentPixel.G = (byte)limit(val*255,0,255);
            CurrentPixel.B = (byte)limit(val*255,0,255);

            byte A = CurrentPixel.A;
            CurrentPixel.A = 255;
                    CurrentPixel.A = CurrentPixel.R;
                    CurrentPixel.A = (byte)(255-CurrentPixel.R);
                CurrentPixel.A = (byte)(CurrentPixel.A*A/255);

            dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

private float fractal(double x, double y,double ca, double cb, int n, int type){
    if(type == 0 && x*x+y*y<n && n>0){
        return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type);
    if(type == 1 && Math.Abs(x+y)<2 && n>0){
        return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type);
    if(type == 2 && y<2 && n>0){
        return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type);
    if(type == 3 && x<2 && n>0){
        return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type);
        return 1-n/(float)iterations;

private float limit(float v, int min, int max){
    else if(v<min)v=min;
    return v;

private float contrast(float x, double c){
    double y;
    c = Math.Pow(c/2,3);
    if(x <= .5f){
        y = .5f * Math.Pow(2*x, (c/500)+1);
        y = 1 - .5f * Math.Pow(2 - 2*x, (c/500)+1);
    return (float)y;


Edited by pascal
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