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Finding and installing plugin

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I know this issue may have been discussed a gazillion times before, alas I'm a novice user , though i consider myself pretty good at finding things on the net, finding my way around here, unfortunately,  proved to be somewhat of rocket science to me.
I'm searching for a tool called recolor tool, I did visit  the PDN plugins index page, but couldn't find it there.
Searching the net for "download recolor tool" took me to a site with a zip file holding two .exe files. 
dictionary.exe and hug-paint-799219830.exe
are these safe? what do I do with them?
Frankly, the whole plugin scene looks like the wild west to me 

can somebody please help? 

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It's in the Tools window.




Right hand column, third from the bottom. Looks a bit like this: :RecoloringTool:


Read all about it here.... https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RecolorTool.html



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