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Rectangular image into spiral image?

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Apologies if this is answered elsewhere (if so, it'd be kind to point me to the right place, please) 

I want to change a rectangular image into a spiral. I have some music that I'd like to have represented in this way.

A composer who was also a calligrapher did his all by hand (see pic). I don't have calligraphy skills. 

I've been looking around and can't see anything. 

In case it's relevant, I am not at all competent at image manipulation so if someone has a solution, I'd very much appreciate simple explanations.

Thanks in advance. 


george crumb spiral score.jpg

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Hello @Fiz and welcome to the forum :)


The only way I can think of doing this is to:


1.  Change the rectangle to a half circle via Shape 3D.



2. Duplicate the layer.

3. Flip that layer to vertical.

4. Merge them together.



5.  Use Droste to make the shape.


I hope this helps :)

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I think you can do that with two plugins: @MadJik's Polar Transformation and @toe_head2001's Droste.


Transform the image into a circle with Polar Transformation, then transform the circle into a spiral with Droste.


(I haven't actually tried it, so I don't known which of pixey's suggestion of Shape3D or Polar Transformation works best for the first step.)

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Thank you both. I have tried MJW's option and rather expect Pixey's solution to produce the same result.

The issue is that the Droste effect repeats the material of the circle once every "revolution", whereas I'd like the spiral be continuous so that from the outside you could keep on reading different music whilst turning the page a couple of times. (I'd get rid of / cover up the middle descending into nothingness.) 

Maybe the solution is to layer two Droste spirals somehow? Seems like I will need to learn a load more about Paint.net. 

But Droste is a BIG advance. Thanks

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2 hours ago, Fiz said:

The issue is that the Droste effect repeats the material of the circle once every "revolution", whereas I'd like the spiral be continuous so that from the outside you could keep on reading different music whilst turning the page a couple of times


 I hadn't considered that. That's somewhat tricky. I'll try to come up with something, but I'm not sure there's currently a reasonably easy way to to that.

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