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Goonfella`s Gallery - New Frontiers 28.02.16


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All your images all have such a well done look to them.


This second version of Moonscape is beautiful, depth and overall color is very realistic.

Shadows of the lander and space guys don't look quite right though.


Love your work




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Thanks doughty. Nice of you to say so. I have already made 2 versions of Moonscape now, the latest being the one posted, so I think that will be that for this image. :)

Just out of interest - what exactly do you find wrong with the shadows?

Too dark perhaps?Need to be a touch more transparent?If I had to guess.Man thats a sweet picture!

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The shadows should fall in a straight line from the sun. The astronaut's shadows to me, are from a different source of light. The lander is pretty close, just needs to be moved to the right slightly. Don't - the legs would be too fiddly to mess with. :) Use the Perspective Lines plugin centered on the sun to maybe see what I mean.


The dark rock on the right has the same perspective shadow problem plus is too dark and distracting.


OK, I'm ready to get slammed. :lightning:


Only wish is that I could do as well.




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@ johnnysdream, doughty & Daniels - thanks guys for your comments.


JD - You have to remember,of course, that in space there is no atmosphere affecting the shadows so they are more ..... (thinking of a word) .... severe ? Or maybe sharper would be a better way of describing them. Take a look at the shadows from the Apollo moonshots and you`ll see what I am getting at. They are dark and pin sharp.  On Earth the atmosphere helps to blur them a bit. That`s why I have left them as dark as they are in the image. :)


doughty - I had problems lining everything up and even moved the sun a bit in the second image to try to fix it. I know it`s not perfect but I am happy with it. Oh and I would never slam you for commenting.  ;)


Daniels - thanks I`m glad you think so. sHa_thumb2.gif



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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First new one for a while and the first with PDN4. This one I call Valley Views - for obvious reasons. It is my take on a view of Uranus from the moon Miranda. It is not an accurate render , more a stylized view. It`s part photo-manip , partly created from scratch .



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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