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Error Code: 0x80073D05 installing paint.net from Microsoft store on Windows 10 Enterprise v2004 Build 19041.508


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I saw on the website that Paint.net is for Windows 10 Pro, but I ignored that since I have been running it on this Windows 10 for a long time.  Just recently, I downloaded the latest version and tried to install it.  Apparently since I bought a version from Microsoft Store for my other PC that *does* have Windows 10 Pro, I am now forced to use the Microsoft Store version.  That gets the Code: 0x80073D05 no matter what I do.  I have tried all the suggestions I can find online anywhere and none work.

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There's no requirement for the Pro edition of Windows, btw. It'll work fine on Home as well. Some people have reported Enterprise can be a bit weird. You need to make sure you're signed in with the same Microsoft Account; some people get tripped up by that, the Microsoft doesn't seem to have made things simple or obvious enough in this area.


Sometimes the Store gets a bit drunk and you have to shake things at it until it's fixed.


There are some troubleshooting tips over on this site, like running something called WSReset.exe : https://ugetfix.com/ask/how-to-fix-windows-store-error-0x80073d05-on-windows-10/


(pro tipwhen you get an error number like 0x80073D05, just type it into Google and see what you find)


I also sometimes have trouble installing the Store app on my own system for some reason, it just gives me the "something went wrong" error over and over, but running the following command from PowerShell will forcefully/cleanly uninstall it (even though it was already uninstalled...? 🙄), after which I can then install it again:


remove-appxpackage (get-appxpackage dotPDNLLC.paint.net).PackageFullName



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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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