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Positive from me!  Welcome to the forum @Rico285.  🙂


Love how you did the gear.

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Hello to all here. Thanks for your kind comments.
I'll add another 2 .
I am in the process of setting up a website. There you will find all my old stuff ... and new. It's weird to see how you can actually change and progress/regress .

This next piece is 1993.... time flies. This is acrylic on canvas  ~ 2m x 1.5m


Constant search for love  265KB.png


Edited by Rico285
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Great pieces @Rico285 :star: I would say it's really funky stuff 😂 1993 reminds me of another artist we used to have on here called @dug and his gallery is found  here.


By the way, if you have more than one image to post, you can put them all into one post at a time.  You will need the URL, or the IMG code from wherever you host your images, and then just paste them next to each other in a line - I usually put a space, or two, between each one :)

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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These are great pieces @Rico285!  <3  @Pixey called it.


I can't even remember what I was doing in 1993....I like the second one a lot.  Bravo!  :D


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16 hours ago, Pixey said:

Great pieces @Rico285 :star: I would say it's really funky stuff 😂 1993 reminds me of another artist we used to have on here called @dug and his gallery is found  here.


By the way, if you have more than one image to post, you can put them all into one post at a time.  You will need the URL, or the IMG code from wherever you host your images, and then just paste them next to each other in a line - I usually put a space, or two, between each one :)

Hi Pixey,
wow! Dug's art is really good. He is obviously inspired by the Surrealism movement of the 1920s . So am I.
After seeing his work, i understand how much more i need to do to really express myself.
Thanks for sharing .



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