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How do I blend images together?

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  • [*:2t5wwaxq]Put the two images on two seperate layers, and make sure that the background on the top one is transparent.
    [*:2t5wwaxq]Overlap the images slightly, where you want them to blend.
    [*:2t5wwaxq]Go to the Gradient tool and change :AllColorChannels: into :AlphaChannel:. Then, you can make the top image fade away slowly.

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  • [*:2zew5tbe]Put the two images on two seperate layers, and make sure that the background on the top one is transparent.
    [*:2zew5tbe]Overlap the images slightly, where you want them to blend.
    [*:2zew5tbe]Go to the Gradient tool and change :AllColorChannels: into :AlphaChannel:. Then, you can make the top image fade away slowly.

And make sure your primary and secondary colors are fully opaque. :mtdew:

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  • 5 years later...

The last post in this thread is over 5 years old. It's ok to post in old tutorial threads, but if you read the rules, particularly rule 11, that's not ok in the discussion & questions section. You are welcome, however, to start a new thread and link to this one if you wish.

Besides...you're asking pretty much the same question in both of your posts.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Also, none of these people are really active on the forum anymore.  You're unlikely to get answers from a really old thread for that very reason.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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