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Heic FileType Plus (08-04-2024)


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  • null54 changed the title to Heic FileType Plus (04-14-2022)

Release version 1.0.6.


  • Detect when the image is a JPEG, PNG etc with the wrong file extension.
  • Show the libheif error message for some errors.
  • Ported the EXIF fixes from the WebP FileType.
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Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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  • 1 month later...
  • null54 changed the title to Heic FileType Plus (09-10-2022)

Release version 1.0.7.


  • Added a None value for the Tuning option.
  • Fixed a bug when reading past the end of the stream.
  • Like 1


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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  • 4 months later...
51 minutes ago, T1Jafo said:

This is a great utility; however it does not appear to be compatible with the new 5.0 release of PaintdotNet. 


The plugin is working for me in 5.0. What error message are you getting?


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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  • 5 months later...
15 minutes ago, StevePr said:

Has something changed?


You probably downloaded one of the source code files that GitHub automatically generates.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, pn20190618 said:

I am using Paint.net 5.0.8 portable.
The command "paintdotnet:/set:FileTypes/BuiltInHEICFileTypeEnabled=false" tries to open the MS App Store


That makes sense, as the paintdotnet protocol would only be registered for the installed version (either classic or Microsoft Store).

You should be able to set the value by opening a command prompt in the folder that Paint.NET is located in and typing:


paintdotnet.exe /set:FileTypes/BuiltInHEICFileTypeEnabled=false



Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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On 8/27/2023 at 3:12 AM, pn20190618 said:

I am using Paint.net 5.0.8 portable.


Please make sure you're using the latest version of Paint.NET, which is currently 5.0.9. We cannot provide support for anything but the current/latest version.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • 2 months later...

The paint.net error while opening HEIC file type


Working with this file type requires the installation of a codec from the Microsoft Store: https://www.microsoft.com/p/hevc-video-extensions/9nmzlz57r3t7

Application version: paint.net 4.2

PaintDotNet.Imaging.UnknownImageFormatException (0x88982F07): D:\src\pdn\src\SystemLayer.Native\Imaging\WICBitmapSource.cpp (170) : hr = m_pBitmapSource->CopyPixels( pSrcRectWic, static_cast<UINT>(stride), bufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(buffer.ToPointer()));
   at PaintDotNet.Interop.InteropErrorInfo.ThrowIfError() in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Interop\InteropErrorInfo.cs:line 98
   at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x64.NativeUtilities.ThrowOnErrorImpl(Int32 hr, SByte* szHr, IUnknown* pFxErrorInfo)
   at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x64.Imaging.WICBitmapSource.CopyPixels(Nullable`1 srcRect, Int32 stride, UInt32 bufferSize, IntPtr buffer)
   at PaintDotNet.Imaging.Proxies.BitmapSourceProxy.CopyPixels(Nullable`1 srcRect, Int32 bufferStride, UInt32 bufferSize, IntPtr buffer) in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Imaging\Generated\IBitmapSource.Generated.cs:line 79
   at PaintDotNet.Data.WicFileTypeHelpers.Load(Stream input, Nullable`1 forcedContainerFormat, Nullable`1 preferredVendor, MetadataTranscoder metadataTranscoder) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Data\WicFileTypeHelpers.cs:line 119
   at PaintDotNet.Data.HeifFileType.OnLoad(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Data\HeifFileType.cs:line 100
   at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 482
   at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158

Have try redownloaded DLL files but still in vain.





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27 minutes ago, felix_88 said:

The paint.net error while opening HEIC file type


Working with this file type requires the installation of a codec from the Microsoft Store: https://www.microsoft.com/p/hevc-video-extensions/9nmzlz57r3t7

Application version: paint.net 4.2


@felix_88, you are using a long out of date version of paint.net (v4.2).

No help can be given unless you update to the latest version (v5.0.11).

See #7 in the Forum Rules:

And if you are on Windows 7, you will need to update to Windows 10 or 11 first.


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  • 2 months later...
On 8/27/2023 at 4:41 AM, null54 said:

You should be able to set the value by opening a command prompt in the folder that Paint.NET is located in and typing:


paintdotnet.exe /set:FileTypes/BuiltInHEICFileTypeEnabled=false



The README file included in the download ZIP should be updated to reflect this.  It currently instructs this command:



which generates this error:

'paintdotnet:' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


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5 minutes ago, Wally Waffles said:

which generates this error:


That should only happen if you're using the portable version of Paint.NET (which can't use the protocol method). Or, of course, if you're using an extremely old version of Paint.NET that's not even compatible with the plugin.


Or, you're conflating the two instructions. paintdotnet: (protocol) is generally used via "Run", whereas the other command is run from the command prompt (as null54 stated).

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • 6 months later...

Hi null54,


Thank you so much for this great Plugin.


I was trying to open a .heif image (taken with my Samsung Galaxy S22), but Paint.net didn't recognize the picture format. Then I renamed the file to .heic, and it worked perfectly. Is there a way to let your plugin work with both .heif and .heic file extensions?

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The new PDN 5.1 Beta has added .HEIF and .HIF to the list of extensions for the built-in HEIC FileType. I still recommend using @null54's plugin instead, as it has better functionality and fewer bugs and other quirks due to not being based on Microsoft's WIC codec.


The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • null54 changed the title to Heic FileType Plus (08-04-2024)

Release version 1.0.8.


  • Add .heif and .hif to the supported file extensions.

  • Display the plugin and library versions in the save UI.

  • Update libheif to version 1.18.1.

  • Update libde265 to version 1.0.15.

  • Update x265 to version 3.6.

  • Upvote 2


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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