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Layer sizes + data

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Any plans to allow different sized layers (Photoshop and GIMP both support these)?

I've written a plug-in to load a game's custom image format with one layer per sprite and at the moment, I have to set each layer size to be that of the largest sprite.

The format also supports offsets when rendering in-game so I'd like to be able to add additional options to the layer properties window such as these offsets.


The current workaround I have is to set the layer name when loading to be WIDTH,HEIGHT,OFFSETX,OFFSETY and use this again when saving back into the image's native format.

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1 hour ago, JohnnyBlueBird said:

The format also supports offsets when rendering in-game so I'd like to be able to add additional options to the layer properties window such as these offsets.


Plugins cannot add items to the layer properties window.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

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10 hours ago, JohnnyBlueBird said:

Any plans to allow different sized layers (Photoshop and GIMP both support these)?


No. All layers are the same size as the image. Nor can plugins change, add or resize layers. Think of them as pieces of paper you're handed to draw on. You get one page at a time and you must hand it back undamaged 😁


More info here: .


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