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Rectangle Select Tool Fxed Ratio does not work properly

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There is a bug (?) when you use the Rectangle Select Tool in Fixed Ratio Mode.

In some cases, it works. In some cases, you'll get wrong results with a slightly different ratio.

As it's hard to explain by text or pictures, I made two videos which demonstrate the issue with different images. It doesn't seem to have something to do with the DPI, as it happens frequently to me. I often try to get images in 1280x800 size, and maybe the error occurs because of this often to me.

Both videos are WMV, the first one WMV Screen, the 2nd one WMV 7 (got crappy result with WMV Screen).

You can download them here:

* These are direct links! Please use "Save as..." *

Video 1 (Zip, 562 KB)

Video 2 (Zip, 946 KB)

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That isn't actually a bug -- the ratio has to be rounded ("snapped") to integer coordinates, but with selection and resizing, so there will often be a perceived off-by-1 difference.

If you take the size of the image after cropping, you will see that it is probably not a 1.6 ratio.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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