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Hi All,

Many years ago I started a thread where I was creating a game with my daughter (name was Mr. Manfranjansen and then later just Mr. Man)  I submitted some prototype artwork and got some very valuable feedback.  A few people seemed really into it and wanted to help me with submissions of their own.  I have since retired and I've got time now to start this project again and I was looking forward to getting some help with the artwork.  I can only manipulate existing images. I can do some basic things to get me by, but most of my stuff is pilfered from the Internet.  I don't want to use somebody else's hard work for the game.  I'm only using their stuff, altering it and making it work for prototype purposes.  Eventually, I'd like some work that reflects the lame prototype stuff I'm doing, but is original.

I just read the rules section and there's a very specific piece in there about NOT posting things like "Hey, can someone create such and such for me?"  I get it.  And I don't want to do that.  But the responses I had were so positive and I thought it would be cool to create an all Paint.NET community game.  Still...it seems that a call out for such feedback runs the razor's edge of violating the rules.  So I thought I'd ask about it before I get banned.  :)


-Cracky McKraken-


We have this forum: 

If you want to improve your images (and techniques), this^^ is the place where you can post for some "serious" feedback. Good luck :)



Yep!  Okay, good.  Thanks for the alternative place to put stuff like this.  Much appreciated and I agree with you, BoltBait.  That's why I posted the question, first.  I thought I might be violating the rules, so it's a good thing I asked.  Thank you both for the quick responses!


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