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Possible UI improvements for Paint.net

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Nice pic, but still too big. Can you swap the HUE (the outer circle) with the HUE bar(the colour one with 'H' next to it)? It would be nice to be able to make a colour without having to press 'More'. Thanks :)

Attempt 3:


Thanks :)

That would be good. Thanks for your contribution to this thread! I'll put it up.


May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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well I think actually I'd use ASH's version, just for the transparency sliders position alone.



I believe users adjust alpha a lot, doesn't make sense to always have to click on "more" each time...

And have 2 sliders for alpha makes the job even faster.

Like I said before, I'm all for more space for the canvas.

But usabilities is important.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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well I think actually I'd use ASH's version, just for the transparency sliders position alone.



I believe users adjust alpha a lot, doesn't make sense to always have to click on "more" each time...

And have 2 sliders for alpha makes the job even faster.

Like I said before, I'm all for more space for the canvas.

But usabilities is important.

Can it be possible to put HUE, saturation, alpha and brightness sliders in the main part instead of the circle?


May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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Exactly what I meant, Simon, but not necessarily how I percieved it.

The major focuses here are to be able to adjust key elements of the color such as its alpha, darkness, and Hue without having to press that 'More' button. I think that a much more precise way of doing this could be necessary and I am going to do a little rip and tear off of some GIMP UI designs. I promise I will have my mockup by tomorrow.


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woooo Simon usually I'm for functionallity over pretty UI's but man that is too stripped down plain jane! I find it rather odd looking! (psst psst....Rick don't please!... as Oma begs on her knees!)

I can just envision the questions about how in the world does that work from the newbies, and even some of us old hats.


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thank you simon for that qualifier. I'd never even think of something looking like this. might turn me off totalllllllllllly!.


all I can say is I'm glad lostcowbot isn't Rick. :lol::lol::lol::lol: or is he? the number of people sporting two and three ID's around here is scary

Don't worry. I'm new here, and have only 1 account!

And Simon, do you think you could make the window itself smaller and then add the HUE slider to the 'more' part instead of the circle?


May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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