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Possible UI improvements for Paint.net

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Would be a detachable Bar at the side with all of the windows. If you don't like it, then you can easily detach it.


2.Why does the colour wheel need RGB and HSV? It takes up an awful lot of space. Can some be put sideways or fit something in under the primary and secondary colours?(fixed in #1) :Colors:

3.This would not be a problem if the sidebar (#1) was completed:

Also, can you make it possible to scroll my image even when I can see the whole thing so I can move the picture to somewhere out of the way of the Windows(colours, layers etc.)? They get in the way and I can't see part of my picture without changing the zoom. :ZoomToWindow: :Right:

Thanks to Simon Brown for http://i34.tinypic.com/2h396p4.png



May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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I've gotta admit that he a has a point there... the color wheel is quite enormous, and I for one never use it. I mostly select a color from my pallet and adjust it from there. If multicolor gradients are built in, I think a system like the Photoshop alternative is apporpiate, but not as huge. More like the alpha bar (or the RGB/HSV ones) about 2-3 times as long.

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I've always been partial to this sort of thing:


Not too bad. I like.

would this do?


No thanks. I don't want to rain on your parade, but that's so cluttered I can't even make sense of it.

While clearing all the space is good, ease of use is also important.

I did this a while back.


I like this. Having Alpha on a vertical channel makes lots of sense to me, somehow. Something to do with layers stacking and all.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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but for my idea (in spoiler below) we'd have to fill up the space with more tools. Any more ideas for tools? In photoshop there is a 'magic brush' where you draw over the colours/area you want and it covers similar colours closeby with the magic wan effect. The options tool I put there would change the settings of shapes etc. for example:

:EllipseTool: Circle settings: 'filled shape, not filled' etc.

:MagicWandTool: Magic Wand: threshold amount

:LassoTool: Lasso: polygon or drawn lasso (polygon = lasso with straight lines)



May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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would this do?


If you are working in many layers, it is often necessary to change the size of the layers window. And sometimes, also the history window.

Sometimes it is also nice to be able to move (hide) one single window out of the way, and not mowing the others. The way it is now, sort of gives me a bit more room on the screen. I prefer the windows as they are now.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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well I think actually I'd use ASH's version, just for the transparency sliders position alone. I happen to be like Leif. I move the windows around a lot, turn them off and on constantly. and like the ability to not have them docked in one spot.

but that's just me... I use the program a exclusively so have no photoshop feature bias and find the color window works fine as it is.

@ loscowbot that just looks terrible from a picture making standpoint. clutter clutter clutter. and hard on the eyes to boot. ouch the white background is something I'd find extremely distracting.


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well I think actually I'd use ASH's version, just for the transparency sliders position alone. I happen to be like Leif. I move the windows around a lot, turn them off and on constantly. and like the ability to not have them docked in one spot.

but that's just me... I use the program a exclusively so have no photoshop feature bias and find the color window works fine as it is.


You would be able to detach them from the sidebar, if it is inconvenient. Or, if all else fails, you could add a minimise button on each window. for example, like google sketch-up:



May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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Similar to this?


Nice pic, but still too big. Can you swap the HUE (the outer circle) with the HUE bar(the colour one with 'H' next to it)? It would be nice to be able to make a colour without having to press 'More'. Thanks :)


May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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NO NO NO! and I'm shouting here

when I do pictures I need to be able to get in close and have my tool bars real close to the work area for max details like how I've magnified this at 200% note everything I used and needed for the pic details was real close floatable is best method.


if anything how about a move arrow that I can drag down smaller and larger for the actual box ? I don't even know if that's possible .

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I am definitely with Oma here. This isn’t my cup of tea. Now why don’t wee discuses the possibility of having a customizable default position of the windows. That way, almost everybody can have there preferred windows alignment.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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I am definitely with Oma here. This isn’t my cup of tea. Now why don’t wee discuses the possibility of having a customizable default position of the windows. That way, almost everybody can have there preferred windows alignment.

I'm not saying it would be stuck like that! You could take the whole thing appart if you wanted, and have them anywhere you want. All I want is for the Colour box to be smaller, so I can fit it in the screen with enough space to draw. Also, the Windows don't fit together very closely so it would be nice to have them closer so you can fit them better.


May the fourth be with you...

I like shiny stuff! - Owen Pickering, Wales

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