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4.2.4 Available for Download? Multiple User Crashes with 4.2.5


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I have several Windows 10 users (ver 1903) who have experienced crashes when using Paint.net since the update to 4.2.5. Is there a location where I can download 4.2.4 to back-date these users and wait until 4.2.6 to attempt updating? I do not have the previous installer because we update using Ninite. Remove and replace causes the same issue. Machines are all stable in the absence of Paint.net 4.2.5. Any info would be greatly helpful.


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27 minutes ago, Reis said:

... and wait until 4.2.6 to attempt updating ...


The issue won't fixed in v4.2.6, unless you properly report it. Please post a crash log, so it can be diagnosed and fixed.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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Yeah you need to provide me with the crash log, or some repro steps, or something. We need to have a dialogue about this. Otherwise it'll never get fixed. Also it could be a configuration issue on your end and that's also good to figure out.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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