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Recreating a mottled brass effect

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I made the attached image a good while ago and now I need to recreate something similar.  Problem is I don't recall how I did it :( I think that it involved Clouds to get the graduations and then Flames, but I just can't seem to replicative the 'brassiness' or intensity.  The must have been some additional steps ?  Any ideas ?  Thanks. 

Edited by mafitd
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Without the image almost impossible to guess but perhaps you used Metallize (plugin?) or Posterize (default tool?).


Attaching an image here is not difficult but keep the file size down to under 1MB, ideally much smaller and it should download OK. Remember you still need to 'insert' it into the post using the + button on the bottom left of the downloaded image thumbnail.  


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@mafitd A lot of us use free, outside sites like Imgur and Postimage to host our images.  Copy the Url or Img code and then insert it into your post here so that we can see what you are trying to emulate.  Thanks :)


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  • 3 months later...
On 10/29/2019 at 6:35 AM, mafitd said:

but I just can't seem to replicative the 'brassiness' or intensity. 


Perhaps you changed the Layer Mode?  Also, perhaps you could have used Gradient Mapping, which has a lot of choices to get more vibrant colors.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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