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Discord's Unusual Flickering

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For the past several months, I've tried out using Discord's streaming system with Paint.net.  Up until now, it's had no issues.  Now, for some reason, whenever I stream it, my screen flickers between three stages:  Full view, Letterbox view (no toolboxes shown) and quick black-outs.  I've tested streaming on Picarto and streamed a game on Discord to test if it was perhaps my computer.  Only Discord does this right now.  Not sure how to fix flickering issue.

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Discord injects itself into the Direct2D graphics stack, which Paint.NET utilizes.  Because of this, Discord can cause Paint.NET to crash in some cases.  You ought to report this misbehavior to Discord; there's really nothing Paint.NET can do about it.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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  • 6 months later...

Guessing the latest update has continued to make streaming the app on Discord even worse than before.  Last time, the stream would have trouble either showing or not showing the tool bar, when I move my mouse on the project.  Now the top bar keeps confusing itself for either Windows 10 or Windows 7 while flickering every half second on the stream.  I know that sounds confusing but I'm getting to the point where I can't stream art anymore on Discord.

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Define "latest update" ... 4.2.10, or 4.2.11 alpha?


Also, did you follow my suggestion from the last time you were here?


Report this to Discord and ask them to fix it. Nothing's wrong with Paint.NET.


Nothing's changed. There's nothing for me to do here, it's all on Discord. Talk to them. Or, something is wrong with your system. This is not a Paint.NET issue or bug.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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  • Rick Brewster locked and unlocked this topic
  • 1 month later...

I've managed to fix this by doing the following:

Click the settings icon :Settings: in the upper right corner of Paint.net 4.0, and turn off "Hardware accelerated rendering (GPU)".


I had constant crazy resizing of my Paint.net window when screen-sharing in Discord.  It kept showing and hiding the menu bar at the top, and zooming and unzooming the draw area whenever moving my mouse through the space.  Disabling this setting in Paint.NET immediately resolved the flicker issue in Discord.  It resizes only the moment you move, and stays resized until you've stopped moving the mouse for a period of time.  This is not at all disorienting, whereas the constant resizing with hardware accelerated rending was disruptive and made the combination of apps almost unusable.

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