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Does Paint.NET require Framework 2.0 or not?

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Why do the requirements on your website state that I should have .NET Framework 2.0 when it doesn't even work with that? I even have versions 3.0 and 3.5, and Paint.NET doesn't work on those, either.

You know what I find ironic? The moment I uninstalled a 1.0 version of the Framework (thinking I wouldn't need it anymore), it stopped working. Yes, you heard me. Version ONE.

Can you guys update your requirements on the Download page? I don't think it's correct.

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I have no idea what you're talking about ... Paint.NET v3.35 requires .NET 2.0. Simple as that.

Well, if Paint.NET won't work with it or superior versions installed, and even relies on an inferior version to work, something must be wrong.

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No it just your computer. You should post in T&BR about the problem your having with your .NET Framework as Paint.NET runs on 2.0 and higher. I am using 3.0 and 3.0 is the only .NET Framework I have. I don't got 2.0 or 1.0 and Paint.NET works fine.

On the college computers I set up I installed 2.0 and Paint.NET works fine on it.

On my laptop I use 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, as I got other programs that need 1.1 and 2.0.

This is a problem with your computer not Paint.NET. I would uninstall all .NET Frameworks from your computer and I would then make sure I am logged on as an Administrator as you wont be able to install .NET Framework and Paint.NET with out admin powers. I would then download and install .NET Framework 2.0 ( Download ) and try Paint.NET again. Note if your using Vista you may need to tell it to run the .NET Framework.

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.NET 3.0 and 3.5 require that 2.0 is already installed, for various reasons I won't go into. (it goes through some stuff that doesn't make sense, then comes back toward making sense ... let's just leave it where we already have it, which is intuitive enough)

So, if 3.0 and 3.5 are installed and working, then 2.0 is also installed. Also, just because you have 3.0 and 3.5 in your Add/Remove control panel doesn't mean they are working correctly.

Paint.NET v3.35 works with with .NET 2.0 and/or later just fine. If it says you don't have it installed, then you don't ... *shrug* This honestly isn't a bug in Paint.NET, it sounds like .NET itself is just confused.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Is it possible that the installer uninstalled both versions of .NET?

No. If you want me to clarify, here's my situation in the chronological timeline order:

-I had .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 on my computer.

-I installed Paint.NET with all those versions still on my computer. Paint.NET worked fine, even with multiple versions.

-I uninstalled .NET Framework 1.1 while keeping all the others (including 2.0) intact. Paint.NET stops working.

Now, if I had uninstalled 2.0, then maybe it would make sense why it would poop out on me, but 1.1?!

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Now, if I had uninstalled 2.0, then maybe it would make sense why it would poop out on me, but 1.1?!

I don't know. I did not write .NET itself, sorry man.

My suggestion is to just do a "Repair" on .NET 3.5. Or hey, install .NET 3.5 SP1 -- it rocks, it's a really good release! (not joking here :))

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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it rocks, it's a really good release! (not joking here :))

Unless you have a HP computer with a AMD processor, then your entire computer won't work.

Even though I have a HP computer with a Intel processor (I think), I'm still afraid of upgrading >_>

I think you're mistaking this with XP SP3... HP's XP images had a problem because the SP3 upgrade copied over an Intel chipset file which messed the computer up, simply because AMD comp doesn't really need it.

.NET 3.5 SP1 isn't related to it at all.


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I don't say he will need to re-install Windows. For all we know some other program could of turned it off in Services under Administration Tools or something.

However I did find his "Whoa there!" funny :lol:. When buying a computer, the 1st thing that one must come to understand is it more like buying a 10 year old car. There going to be problems. A format / uninstall of the OS and all its data from a hard drive is going to need to be done. Invest in a hard drive(s) for saving work too and one just for an OS. I do this as I format every 3 months or so just to keep windows working the way it should. I use my 150 GB Raptor for OS and games. I then use a 500 GB drive for saving too and a 750 GB drive for making backups of my 500 GB Hard drive and 30 GB iPod with space left over.

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