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Error: An unspecified error occurred while saving the file

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Bonjour, voici mon problème, quand je veux enregistrer une image (format jpg, png etc ... ") j'ai ce message qui apparaît

 Une erreur non ajoutée s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement du fichier :

Version de l'application: paint.net v4.1.6

System.ArgumentNullException: La valeur peut ne pas être null.
Le paramètre: Le SafeHandle ne peut pas être null.
   à System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleAddRef (SafeHandle pHandle, Boolean & succès)
   à PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.NativeMethods.RollbackTransaction (SafeTransactionHandle TransactionHandle)
   à PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.KernelTransaction.Rollback () Dans D :  \ src \ PDN \ src \ SystemLayer \ KernelTransaction .cs: ligne 196  
   à PaintDotNet.IO.SaveTransaction.Rollback () dans D : \ src \ pdn \ src \ PaintDotNet \ IO \ SaveTransaction.cs: ligne 211  
   à PaintDotNet.Controls.DocumentWorkspace. <> c__DisplayClass253_2. <DoSave> b__2 () dans D \ src \ pdn \ src \ PaintDotNet \ Controls \ DocumentWorkspace.cs: ligne 3001
   à PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Try (Action f) dans D : \ src \ pdn \ src \ Base \ Functional \ Func.cs: ligne 174


J'ai essayé de désinstaller et de réinstaller paint.net mais rien n'est fait

Je ne comprend rien du tout, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider svp? En vous remerciant! 







Hello, here is my problem, when I want to save an image (jpg format, png etc ... ") I have this message that appears:

An un-added error occurred while saving the file:

Version of the application: paint.net v4.1.6

System.ArgumentNullException: The value may not be null.
The parameter: The SafeHandle can not be null.
at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleAddRef (SafeHandle pHandle, Boolean & Success)
to PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.NativeMethods.RollbackTransaction (SafeTransactionHandle TransactionHandle)
to PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.KernelTransaction.Rollback () In D : \ src \ PDN \ src \ SystemLayer \ KernelTransaction .cs: line 196
to PaintDotNet.IO.SaveTransaction.Rollback () in D :\ src \ pdn \ src \ PaintDotNet \ IO \ SaveTransaction.cs: line 211
to PaintDotNet.Controls.DocumentWorkspace. <> c__DisplayClass253_2. <DoSave> b__2 () in D : \ src \ pdn \ src \ PaintDotNet \ Controls \ DocumentWorkspace.cs: line 3001
to PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Try (Action f) in D :\ src \ pdn \ src \ Base \ Functional \ Func.cs: line 174


I tried to uninstall and reinstall paint.net but nothing is done

I do not understand anything, can anyone please help me? Thanking you!

Edited by YoungFox23
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Hello @YoungFox23 and Welcome to the forum :)


Please try this method to remove any 'bits' that may be left over from the previous uninstall and then try to download PDN again:






How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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2 hours ago, YoungFox23 said:


I tried to uninstall and reinstall paint.net but nothing is done

I do not understand anything, can anyone please help me? Thanking you!


Sorry, I misunderstood from reading the above lines.


Hopefully someone else will read your error notice and give you advice.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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  • toe_head2001 changed the title to Error: An unspecified error occurred while saving the file

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