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Glass Blocks

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I recently read a post on how to create glass blocks using a plugin other than the glass blocks plugin.  I do not know if it was a recent or older post.  All I really remember was that one of the settings had to be a negative number and it turned the image into a nice rendering of glass blocks.  If someone could help me with this, I would appreciate it.  I have searched and searched and cannot find it.  I believe it was mentioned as an aside and was not related to the main topic of the thread.

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Hi @docnich - Well, it's a guessing game about which post you are referring to.  Perhaps take a look at the video by @TechnoRobbo towards the end of page 1:






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Thanks Pixey, but that is not it.  I remember it being much simpler than that.  I would just generate a background and then run the plugin.  One of the settings towards the middle of the dialog box, not the main setting, would need to be negative to get the right result.

I appreciate your thoughts on the subject.

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