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Explosion (rewritten)


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This tutorial is based on Explosion by @Ben_R_R and rewritten to restore lost images.


You will need a Magnifier plugin by @MadJik.


We'll try to create an explosion like this:



Create a new image (File -> New :FileNew:) with a size of 800x600 px.


Apply Clouds effect (Effects -> Render -> Clouds :CloudsEffect:) with the default settings.


Duplicate layer :LayersDuplicateLayer:. Apply Bulge effect (Effects -> Distort -> Bulge :BulgeEffect:) to the top layer and set the Bulge amount to 100. Set the layer blending mode to Xor.

Apply Bulge effect (Effects -> Distort -> Bulge :BulgeEffect:) to the bottom layer and set the Bulge amount to -200. Merge layers :LayersMergeLayerDown:. You should get this:


Duplicate layer :LayersDuplicateLayer:. Apply Zoom Blur effect (Effects -> Blurs -> Zoom Blur :ZoomBlurEffect:) to the top layer and set the Zoom Amount to 75. Set the layer blending mode to Lighten.



Apply Curves adjustment (Adjustments -> Curves Icons-Curves-Effect.png) with RGB mode to the layer.



Now you should get this:



Duplicate the top layer :LayersDuplicateLayer:. Apply Dents effect (Effects -> Distort -> Dents Icons-Dents-Effect-Icon.png) to the top layer and set the Scale amount to 35.

Apply Gaussian Blur effect (Effects -> Blurs -> Gaussian Blur :BlurEffect:) to the top layer and set the Radius amount to 12.



Go to the bottom layer. Apply Curves adjustment (Adjustments -> Curves) with Luminosity mode to the layer.


Apply Magnifier effect (Effects -> Distort -> Magnifier), set the Quality amount to 5 and check the Delete background check box.


Apply Rotate / Zoom  (Layers -> Rotate / Zoom) and set the Zoom amount to 0,65. Apply Curves adjustment (Adjustments -> Curves Icons-Curves-Effect.png) with RGB mode.

Explosion-6.png  Curves-RGB.png

Apply Brightness / Contrast adjustment (Adjustments -> Brightness / Contrast :BrightnessContrast:), set the Brightness amount to -55 and Contrast amount to 70.



Add a new layer (:LayersAddNewLayer:) between the two top layers. Set the layer blending mode to Additive.

Explosion-8.png  Explosion-9.png

Set Colors to Black and White :BlackAndWhite:. Select the Gradient (:GradientTool:) Tool with Radial (:GradientTypeRadial:) type and draw a circle in the center of the layer. Invert the colors (Adjustments -> Invert Colors Icons-Invert-Colors-Effect.png or use a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I) as shown below.



Merge layers from top to bottom :LayersMergeLayerDown:. The final image should look like this:



All the above effect settings are approximate and depend on your preferences.



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Thank you @ReMake for reviving this tutorial.  <3    You are the 'graveyard' master!  :D


Here's my 'Big Bang'.  :lol:




Edited by lynxster4
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