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Color selector acrylic paint

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I use paint.net ... I also do some acrylic painting... Once I have a photo of what I want to draw/paint... how closely does the tool replicate say cobalt blue or raw umber? I am something of a newbie. I was wondering if the program's color selector  had color codes to match acrylic colors? Thanks

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There are scores of acrylic color charts on line that you can download, open up in PDN and use the color-picker tool to sample the color and get its color hex code. You can type in the colors hexadecimal code it that color will appear in the Primary box (or Secondary box) and the RGB settings will change also.
Also you can use the HTML color chart link (below) to view what hexadecimal code relates to which color and simply enter that code into RGB color mapper. Many digital artist will create a color palette on a layer and go to that layer to access the colors; then go back to the layer that they want to use the color to draw or paint on.




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inserting additional information


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Hello @Gordo and Welcome to the forum :)


I also use this color picker a lot. I find it handy to have it open when I'm working in Paint.net:





How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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