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My Paint.net all of a sudden had stopped working, and after an uninstall - which left the effects and shapes folder in the paint.net directory - I can not reinstall it. The installer opens, latest version (4.1.5),  shows a bar saying "Extract: PaintDotNet_x86.msi...(insert percentage), where by 5 seconds later the install wizard flashes for less than a second and disappears. I went through the installation forums on this site, and downloaded the latest .NET Framework, and It tells me a version higher than that. To confirm, I have the latest ( 4.7.2). I also had recently installed the latest Nvidia Driver and re-installed the latest directx, subsequently leading to Paint.NET not opening. This is really causing me Paint.NET. 


Hello @Splicer04 and Welcome to the forum :)


You may want to try this tool and then try to reinstall:





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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.


I am having the same issues.  I was using Paint.net and really enjoyed it.  A week ago, it wouldn't allow me to go into the program.  After a number of unsuccessful attempts, I decided to uninstall the program and reinstall it.  I am now having the same issues as the creator of this thread.  I just tried the link in the post above, but had to click "None found" as paint.net is not shown after running the scan.  I hope to find a fix so I can get back to using the program.


That's the problem with uninstalling the main program, if a leftover is what is causing this error. BTW that has not been proven yet, it was just a suggestion as to the cause of the problem.


It is the same even with an uninstaller like Revo, once the main program installation has gone it has nothing to 'latch' onto and search for those leftovers related to that particular program. BCUninstaller does/did have the ability to look for orphaned files and I think a couple of other uninstallers like IOBitUninstaller likewise. I'm wary of recommending IOBit products though as whilst their uninstaller is a very good tool I've tried some of their other 'free' software which came with difficult to opt out of 'extras' and put an auto-run/auto-update in start up. Things I hate.


If no restore point is available then you could try CCleaner's registry cleaner but always put in a restore point before doing that and backup the registry files to be deleted when prompted. If there's nothing PDN related in the registry then it won't help of course.


I'd next suggest trying to launch an earlier PDN installer. I would not go through with it if it does work but if an older version installer can be used it might be a clue to what the problem is with using the new one. If you later did want to install the older version you could also possibly use it with that tool Pixey found or one of the deep uninstallers I suggested and it could pick up the old leftovers too.






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