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Selection with fixed aspect ratio

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For the rect select tool, I have set to Fixed Ratio mode. However, when the selection area reach the edge of image, the selected area will loose the setting ratio and increase at non-edge side. Is there an option can make it done like in ps that if one side reach an edge, the area will not increase any more?


Thank you.


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Greetings corset,

I don't think that the aspect ration is changing (Your aspect ration is something like like 4:3 or 16:9 and such) . I think that before you release the mouse or stylus button; there is some hand slippage that adds pixels to the rectangle, but maintains the aspect ratio. If you need a constant dimension for your Rectangle Selection Tool perimeter; enter your desired height and width and set the tool to 'Fixed Size' and then move it to your desired location on the Canvas.


Edited by HyReZ
add nfo / correct mistakes


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1 hour ago, HyReZ said:

Greetings corset,

I don't think that the aspect ration is changing (Your aspect ration is something like like 4:3 or 16:9 and such) . I think that before you release the mouse or stylus button; there is some hand slippage that adds pixels to the rectangle, but maintains the aspect ratio. If you need a constant dimension for your Rectangle Selection Tool perimeter; enter your desired height and width and set the tool to 'Fixed Size' and then move it to your desired location on the Canvas.



I have recorded a video that i think can better explain what i meant. I set the ratio to 1:1, it works fine before reach the edge.



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This has been reported to me a few times, and I've been meaning to improve this. Hopefully I can get to this within the next few months. This year is going to be busy for Paint.NET :) https://blog.getpaint.net/2018/12/26/whats-next-for-paint-net-in-2019/ 

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